It Wouldn't Be The First Time That I've Been interrogated

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We stopped at a door that looked like an office which in my experience is weird but I guess being stuck in the middle of war means you don't have a proper police station. Jack opened the door for me and once I was inside he closed it behind me, leaving me on my own and considering that most people here want to kill me, it made me worried.

"Nice to see you have finally made it, how was your stay in our jail cell," said the lady from the hall in a sharp tone. Now that had a closer view of the lady I noticed that she wasn't as old as I thought she was, she looked like she had seen to much pain and sacrifice. Her hair was ash blond hair that was tied in a bun, she had fossil coloured eyes that had a scar on the right eye. She wore a sage/silver gown and had a bow and arrow beside her oak desk.

"Well the cell was crap" I replied while trying not to look her in the eyes, "I'm sorry about that, we don't really want our prisoners to feel comfy" the lady said in a sarcastic tone, "oh right" I replied shrinking in my seat as I felt her stone cold stare going right through me. "Well, my name is General Dust and I need you to answer my questions so we no the we can trust you" Dust said while loudly shuffling paper on her desk and I nod to say 'sure'.

"Frankie Steel"
"Cobweb ally in Neon City"
"Who do you live with?"
"My mum, grandfather and grandmother"
"What do you do most days?"
"Either go to school or hang out with friends or go on the internet or work on my machines"
"What were you doing before you came here"
"Coming home from school with my friends until we bumped into Lily and Zack who are bullies were I live and when I got into an argument my friends walked away which is when a punch Lily in the nose and was almost home when I saw the kid being attacked so I help them out which is when they ran into the portal so I followed them" I said taking a deep breath because that was a long answer.

"Alright, I can tell that you are tell truth" after she said that I gave her a weird look which she noticed and explained "I used a spell to see if you were truthful or not" to which I just nod at since it not that weird because I have the ability to go unnaturally fast.
"And the girl you are talking about is Cherry Blood also she is 13 before you get confused, her shapeshifting ability went wrong and we are trying to fix it" Dust said looking at me with a warm look, "anyway that is all you may go, don't worry I will explain to the town what is going on also I will find you a place to stay" Dust said while waving her hand to tell me to leave.

When I left I saw that Jack still waiting for and after explaining what happen he said that it was comforting to know that he could trust me and wanted to introduce me to some of the other teenagers on the camp.

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