He started to suck on my neck hardly and I felt extremely violated and grossed out. I tried pushing him away by his chest but he just pushed the knife he was holding in a bit deeper causing me to stop as I know if I continue, my stomach would be sliced.

I whimpered as he made some hickeys on my neck and kept feeling me up with his other hand under my shirt. This jackass was even getting a hard on which I felt against my thighs.

He then pulled back and stroked my face to which I harshly moved my head away from his tainted fingers. I felt so vulnerable and disgusted under his gaze and I needed to get out of here. He glared at my action and began rubbing his member against my thighs roughly. 

I wasn't going to cry or wish for help at this point. I had a plan.

A fake moan escaped my mouth and he stopped grinding on me and pulled back. His eyes then studied me curiously to see if my reaction was genuine and I just bit my lip and arched my neck a bit back to which he licked his lips satisfied. His free hand not holding the knife then went to my ass and he touched it up making me feel gross. But I just wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled the bitch closer allowing him to create more hickeys along my collar bone which he gladly did while squeezing my ass.

I didn't want to do this and inside felt like crying because of how used I felt but right now I needed him to be distracted. So I simply moaned again and in response he grunted hungrily.

Baekhyun then pulled back smirking thinking I liked our moment and loosened his hold on the knife a bit. Hmm good boy...now instead, before he could kiss me on the lips to which he was leaning towards, I let out a loud chuckle.

Kook come on, your a bangtan member. Show this bitch who the fuck he is messing with.

"Babe, you have no idea who the fuck your messing with do you? Yes your apart of them and you split BTS up but I have no one here for you to kill or hurt. Stop fuckin touching me and I suggest you get that knife off me or be prepared to get beat like a bitch" I ended cockily yet with a unbearable harsh tone, tilting my head to the opposite side.

My plan worked and he got startled by my words as a second ago it seemed like I was melting under his touch. He then stupidly took a step back, his knife leaving my body.

He very quickly recovered and tried to step back into the position he was in with the knife but he wasn't quick enough. I roughly pushed him off me and then kicked the knife out of his hands. He reached in his pocket for a gun meanwhile I smashed the counter with my leg causing glass to break. He was too slow trying to load the gun which is so stupid like why not load before you come to attack someone dimwit. I almost wanted to laugh as I saw him fumble around but I refrained from doing so.

I grabbed a couple of glass shards and threw it at him landing right in his leg, arm, and the last one marking his oh so handsome face. I took this as an opportunity to blast while he yelped in pain.

I ran out of the door and to my car while ducking as he shot multiple shots my way. I got in and drove as fast as I could to my home. I had an emergency packed suit case in my guest bedroom that I took then ran out back to my car. I turned it on and was about to pull out of the parking lot when I saw two men ready to fire there guns at me. I swerved my car fast to the side so that there guns hit my back seat windows. I then sped out of the parking lot and onto the road.

I was driving for a couple minutes when I spotted a red car speeding up to me, from my rear view mirror I saw that it was Baekhyun and boy he didn't look too happy. It was a hard core race smashing into each other a couple times but of course I was winning. What can I say, hobi hyung taught me well.

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