when will i not be the an(tag)onist

34 5 17

I love how tags go around

like there will be five going around at one time and then there will be a break. then a month later they'll come back and surprise you

how does this happen

anyways, this tag is where you have to give 13 facts about yourself.

I was tagged by yourbrothercrutchie and aemerrill

1. I say 'oof' and 'yeet' a lot both online and in real life

2. my school's drama club is doing the onstage production of the outsiders in which I'm doing sound for. also, this is my first show and they're adding so much complicated stuff and I'm going to mess it up so bad.

3. I'm applying to the alabama school of math and science and I was recently invited for an interview. this is the last step before admissions go out, and I'm really hoping that this means I've been accepted!

4. my sister is a freshman in college

5. I used to always wish I was born a day later so I can say I share a birthday with harry potter. but now I'm happy with my birthday because I share it with neville longbottom and neville is an absolute angel

6. I'm failing biology

7. I used to care about my attendance at school but now I really don't care

8. I'm in four clubs at school: habitat for humanity, leo club, key club, and fbla

9. my school makes me really mad a lot and that's one reason why I'm hoping to attend a new school

10. I've been playing violin for three years

11. I have an obsession with animation youtubers and bad recorder music

12. I also have an obsession with gif hunting

13. there is no way I'll be able to tag fifteen people


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