woah slow down and think

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i always get so frustrated when stories are historically inaccurate

now before i launch into this, i can understand if you alter history to fit a storyline or a character's backstory. that is understandable! i'm talking about things that are just irreplaceable and would change time forever if it were to be real.

this is a small thing, but it's still annoying to me.

so i'm over here casually reading a newsies ff and it's only like the first or second chapter when i notice something

they mention albert einstein

sure, albert einstein was alive at the time, but he was ten folks. he was still in a foreign country.

albert einstein didn't even get anything resembling a job until 1902, three years after the newsies timeframe.


even though he was a genius at a young age, his name wasn't even out in the world yet

so like

i'm sorry

but i can't stand historically inaccurate things

which is why when i write stories, it takes me like two weeks to write a good update because i'm so determined to make it historically accurate

and like i said before, if you're altering history to fit in with a story, that's perfectly fine. it's the small things that get to me

but i'm just an obnoxious, intolerable human being and it's most likely just me but *shrug*

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