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if you're trying to start drama, at least make it believable

don't tell people that this person tried to hit you when their hands were behind their back the entire time

don't say they said that they hated you when in reality they just said they didn't want to be friends anymore

and lastly, don't say you want to reconcile with them and then twenty-four hours later call them a racial slur

I don't know how I believed you at the beginning because it was so completely obvious that you were trashing this person's name just to get their friends to turn on them

you had more than one chance to prove yourself as a reliable person. you lost that trust and one more chance.

and to those of you who have an idea of way this might be, do not name names, do not tell anyone, and do not get involved

please don't make this more catastrophic than it already is

I just needed to rant, but I'm not getting involved whatsoever

I just hope this blows over

book about my insanityHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin