Chapter 13: Fang

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"It's can't be... Fang"-Yaya mumble in shock. Standing in front of them was Fang for real.

-We can't get out if he just standing there and block the exit! Ant Yaya could you put all the prisoners in your Gavity ball?

Claw ask turning to Yaya"I'll try!"-Yaya use her Gavity power and put all of them in her Gavity ball. Though it took a lot of her strength, she kneel down

-Mom! Are you okay!?

-I...I'm fine...

-We will make a distraction... You and Hayan will took that time and fly to the exit along with prisoners! Got it?

-What about you guy?

Goda grin"We will be right after ya! Let's go!!"-the three dash forward with full power. Fang manage to fight them using his Shadow power.

"Mom let's hurry!"-Hayan move with Yaya to the exit. Hundreds of guard try to stop them but Hayan blow them away with her Wind power making opening for Yaya to fly.

"We're almost make it!!"-Yaya cheer. They almost reached the door but something blow them back.

"What the heck!?"-Hayan wide eye in shock"Cattus!! They control you too!?"-she tighten her fist.

A giant green cat was in front of him. He still has the power sphere but his mind is no longer his anymore. He attack but they dodge him, Yaya couldn't attack because she is holding her Gavity Ball. Hayan use Wind Burst to attack but no use.

"Fine! You wanna play!?"-Hayan stand up, she had enough of this! Her power watch shine again but this time is not Boboiboy orange watch but her- a white one"I will give it your way~"


Hayan took away haft of Cattus power making him smaller but still big then she turn to Claw, took away a bit of his Procession skill and mix them.


A giant eel appear out of her watch. That is the combination of Boboiboy power watch and her power.

"Woah!!"-Yaya eye shined."Attack him!!"-Hayan ordered. The eel turn to attack Cattus.

Back at Fang place, the other are trying their hardest to stall him.

-Claw! She used it, we have to finish this fast!!

Lin shout. When Hayan used that type of power it took a lot of her so she will most likely be down any second later. Claw nodded. He process a machine and use it wire to tie Fang up, he's unable to move. Lin used that opportunity and process his mind then jump out.

-I paralyzed his mind for 1 minutes, we have to hurry!!

They all run toward Hayan place, while she was busy fighting they guide Yaya to where Ochobot was and teleport all the prisoners back to the base safely.

"Water eel!!"-Hayan shout as Cattus take him down making it fall and disappeared. A large among of Water fluted the entire prison. Everyone scream and try to find a way out. Hayan was powerless and weak, Cattus take this chance and try to squats her. Yaya fly in and caught her.

They fly toward the door but it's almost closed"We're not gonna make it!!"-Hayan say weakly"Yes... But you can!"-she throw Hayan out before the door closed, she was trapped inside. Claw caught Hayan outside, as the other try to break down the door.

"SUPER PUNCHES!!"-Yaya punched the door but no use. It's so hard. The water almost reached the dorm.

"MOM!!"-Hayan scream"We have to save her!!"-she turn to Claw, he look at the door try to find a plan. But at this rate he can't think of anything. Suddenly a hand touched his shoulder, Fang turn back, his eye wide in shock. Hayan was speechless, a tear ran down her eye.

-We will take it from here.

Inside Yaya is fighting Fang, who just so happen to wake up a second earlier. He use Shadow hand to trap her but Yaya easily break free.

-Fang stop it!! This isn't you, wake up!!

He ignored it."Shadow Tiger!!"-a black tiger appear and run toward Yaya, scratch her. Yaya punch it away but it come back and attack her back. Yaya was injured on the neck and back, she fall into the water, unconscious.

As she keeping sinking down, a hand caught her. Fang about to fly away when something burst up from the water. The person stand on the dorm window with Yaya in his hand. He glare at Fang with anger but among that... is somewhat sadness.

Alaska: Sorry guy's for not updating for a while. Because I'm kinda lacking the idea to write and the inspiration too. But I'm back now and hope you enjoy this chapter.

Love u all❤️❤️

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