Chapter 4: First mission with my parents(p1)

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The next morning at Tapops station, the gang are preparing for their next mission: to find the Yeti-power sphere. Las Manak are accompanying them too because this mission is really dangerous.

Gopal: So cool!! We got Las Manak to come with us!✨✨

Las Manak: There is no need to be happy, protect you is my duty after all!*normal mode*

Ying: It still not 7 am right?

Yaya: Yeah... Gopal just enjoying this before he gone Demon mode again.

Boboiboy: Ok! I got all the food and supplies we need to last the night! When will we start?

Fang: When Gopal ready to let go of Las Manak...😓

Gopal: Please Las Manak!! Tell us about your past life, please!! I want to know!!

Las Manak: Oh about that, sure!! It's all start like-

Hayan: GOOD MORNING!!Everyone!

Yaya: You sure is happy today?

Hayan: Of course! I want to accompany you for your mission!

Boboiboy: Who told you about that!?

Hayan: Uncle Fang did!

Fang: She won't leave me alone until I talk... But there no telling that Las Manak will let you go, Hayan.

Hayan: Oh that? There still time so I don't need to worry about it~ Watch and learn~*walk to Las Manak* Las Manak, I feel really sad...*fake tear*

Las Manak: What!? Why are you so sad!?*worry*

Hayan: Be-because I can't go with my parents to this mission!! I'll miss them!!*cry loud*

Las Manak: Ok, Ok!! You can come with us, just please stop crying, okay?

Hayan: Yay!! Thank you!*hug him*


Fang: You have a smart daughter Boboiboy, I must admit. She can use fake tear and fake act to trick our commander... Unlike her father though~😏

Boboiboy: What did you say!!?💢💢

Ying: Break it up, You too!!*twist their ear*

Fang&Boboiboy*grout in pain* We're sorry!!

Yaya: Hayan will you be okay? It's really dangerous to go on this mission without powers.

Hayan: Who said I don't have it?

Boboiboy: You do!? What it is?

Hayan: It's a power from Ochobot when he was captured back at the future. I was the one he trusted with his power... But this will have to wait when we deal with something dangerous~😝 You guy can wait~~

Yaya:*sigh* As long as you can take care of yourself, you can allowed to join our mission.

Hayan: Don't worry about me, Mom! I'm stronger that I look, Dad said so~

Yaya: Sure you are~! Let's do our best to capture this power sphere!

Hayan: Ok!!

Boboiboy:*look at them with a smile* She really is mother like... What am I going to do with all of this now? After all I...*peek at Yaya* my feeling for her...

Ochobot was fully charged and ready to open the portal. The gang walk through it and went to a hold new planet: Icecerila

Las Manak: Listen up!!*demon mode* This is planet Icecerila where everything temperature is -100c. This planet can easily break if there are loud sound and move in the ground so make sure you do your work carefully! Got it!!

Everyone: Yes Commander!!

Las Manak: Next we have a special suit that will protect your skin from this cold, it's a gadget that Nut make for us. Put them on!

Everyone: *put it on* So warm~~

Lak Manak: This suit can protect you from cold and keep your body alive. Beside that this gadget include: Egg, rice, vegetables...?

Everyone: 😶

Gopal: Really!?✨✨

Las Manak: Wrong book... They are included: contacts device, night vision, water fixer, tracker, information about Yeti-power sphere... That is all you needed!

Everyone: Okay...

Las Manak: Now I will split you into 2 group. Group A will have Fang, Yaya, Ochobot, Gopal go search North and South. Group B will have Boboiboy, Hayan, Ying and Me go search the East and West. Do we got it!!

Everyone: Yes sir!!

Las Manak: Remember to return before dawn or else's you won't make it through the night! Let our searching began!

Gopal:*a bit chilled* Now I'm scare...

Fang: Quite being a scary-cat, Gopal.

Boboiboy: And he was suppose to be the oldest of our group?

Hayan: I wonder why though. What would happen if we don't get back before dawn...?

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