Chapter 9: The reason

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Hayan POV:
I finally tell them about my story. The story that I don't want to talk about at all, it's like a deep, painful memory that I just want to erase.

But no matter how I want to hide it, it will just keep coming back and haunted me. The memory, the scene of chaos fill the land. Cyrus and his army capture and control everyone, they look just like an army of zombie, ready to bite.

The dead line is near... Even though my mission was to bring them back but Lak Manak won't let them go and help me. I have no choice! I have to get back on my own to save the other. It might be risky but I have Dad power watch and an unlimited power after all! I could beat the heck out of them!! My mind decided as I jump out of my room and dash toward another door. Seeking for the last help I can get.

Author POV:
Everyone have gather at the main control room. Boboiboy and the other were panicked. They receive a letter from Hayan saying that she have gone back to the future alone to fight Cyrus.

Fang: How can she be so stupid!? There is no way she could fight back at him alone!!

Ying: We have to go after her!! There're no way I'm letting Hayan fight him!!

Gopal: B-but us fight back that Cyrus guy!? He's too powerful!! How can we when even future Boboiboy can't!?

The room fell into silent. Ying twisted his ear hard making him growl in pain. Las Manak and Kokoci were there too. They didn't say a word, Commander was just eyeing only at Boboiboy- who hadn't talk at all. He just stare at the letter, eye in thought.

Finally he walk up to Him, his eye stare straight back at his. The man doesn't took back by his action, only silent waiting.

Boboiboy: Las Manak, please let us allow to go back in time and save Hayan!

Las Manak: Do you really think I would let you go without any reason!?

Fang: But there is, sir!! She is our reason to go!!

Las Manak; Yours , yes! Me? No! She doesn't carry any power sphere or any mission we need to take on, so there's no reason for me to let you kids go!

The other went silent. They want to help her but they can't, not as long as Las Manak won't let them leave. What should they do?

Boboiboy: Then... here is your reason. We need to travel to the future and save a power sphere name: Ochobot!!

Gopal: O-Ochobot!? Is he...!?

Boboiboy: He have went back in time with her already, he leave his debut in the back of the letter...

Ying: No way...

Las Manak:... Do you think that reason would be good enough?

Fang: Las Manak!!

Las Manak: SILENT!! I was asking Boboiboy!!

The boy stand still. Boboiboy stare at the strong man with eye of determination, a sign that he would surely win this match. Las Manak know it but he want to heard his answers, to see how far this young hero have gone in order to protect his planet...

Boboiboy: So here are my last reason...

His family...

Boboiboy: I want to travel back to...

His friend...


Lak Manak:... Splendid!! You have indeed come far, Boboiboy. I wish you good luck on this journey and be back safe.

Boboiboy: Dose that mean...?

Lak Manak: You four can go back and save your friend!

The gang shouted in cheer as they can finally go and help their friend. They all get ready for their special mission. Boboiboy was speechless, he was terrified of facing Lak Manak that time, he thought he lost until... he saw something, something that will make him win and get Lak Manak approval.

And that is the final element needed for his perfect plan. Now, they're completed.

My daughter from the futureNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ