Chapter 10: Future

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Author POV:
Among the time loop lies a girl screaming with her yellow power sphere in hand. They have travel though Ochoboy time portal, with a little help from her they can finally go back to the future. They are ready to fight but now... they're screaming.

Hayan: AH!!!!!!!! *still screaming*

Ochobot: WUAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!😱😨😱😰😱😰

An end appeared. They went through the portal and land right to the hard ground. Hayan grab her hip in pain, not a smooth landing- she say.

Hayan POV:
I turn my head toward. I was shock at the view, a few tear came out. Everything... The tree, the city, the people was no where to be see, he destroy them all everything!! The ground was not as green, the sky was not as blue, everything only had one color of grey... The air isn't that clean any more, it's just fill with dust and burned smell of stuff to your nose. No building, no high- tech super train, nothing was left back. They turned her home into nothing but a junk yard, an abandoned city for stray dog...!

Ochobot: Hayan...

Hayan: I-I'm fine... Let's keep going, we need to find the other...

I run toward after wipe away my tear, there's no time for that. I have to stay strong... for ever what happened, what to come. First, I need to go back to the secret base. Mom is still there, still unconscious in bed!! If they find her, everything will end for me, I only have her left... MOM!!

I stop at the place I once stayed. It's was just mess left... the whole base burn to ashes, the fire of dark power over-consume this place.

Ochobot: Why are we here, Hayan!? There nothing here!

I kneel to the ground, hopelessly crying. My fist grab hard onto dirt , tear keep falling non-stop, my mother and my only family I have left... GONE!! I shouldn't have leave, I should have fight him, I shouldn't have listen to Claw plan, I should... should be more powerful to protect my own family!! I should... replace Dad to protect her... just like he's trying to protect us. I failed.

A robot appear in front of me and Ochobot, I was just so weak to stand up. He fired.


The robot blasted himself and explode. I shielded my self and Ochobot from the blast. When I open my arm, a hand was in front of me offering to get up.

-You're okay?

I cried as I jump to him immediately for a hug.

Hayan: CLAW!!! You are alive!! Thank goodness!!*crying sound* I-I thought you were dead!!

Claw: Stupid... How can I be dead when you haven't?

Hayan:*let go* So does that mean you want me to die? 💢💢

Claw: Die my ass!! If you can die then I can fly, you hear me!?? And why the hell are you so late anyway!?💢💢 Where are uncle Boboiboy and the other?*look around*

Hayan:... They won't coming. I failed my mission to bring them back here...

-No you're not...

I stunned. In front of me stand a tall girl with light pink hijab, her voice warm me up fill me with this kind of nostalgia feeling.

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