Chapter 11: Confession

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Yaya POV:
-So let me repeat it again okay?

Hayan talk while pointing at the white board. We are planting on an ambush into Cyrus prison and save the Tapos prisoner one.

-We're going to the back of their prison to enter. It's where the trash disposal is so they won't expect a thing!

Lin raise her hand"Why trash enter? It's stink!"-she said"Because it's the only way in! Don't worry about the dirty trash, Mom gonna use her Gravity Power to cover us all in a ball, that way we won't get dirty!"-she explained. I find it not a bad idea but I might as well keep my power down a bit so they won't sensed.

-Okay, next we gonna come in and beat down all the guard in silent. You can handle that right, Goda?*he raise his thumb* Good! Next, we will steal all the guard clothes and disguise as them. If anything happen, Lin and Claw will take care of it okay?


-That will lead us to the main control room, there we have a great thread to deal with..,

The room began silent awkwardly. I turn to Claw and Lin, they both turn pale all of the sudden. I feel worry, what danger is there in the main control room.

-We can't beat him...

-I can!

Claw exclaimed. Lin shout"Are you crazy!!? That's not an enemy you can underestimate, Claw! Especially when that person is-"


She stopped. Hayan didn't speak anything at this point. I couldn't get what is happening at all. Why are they being so serious? Claw turn to Lin and speak again.

-I know who that's is so I could only stall him off. When that happens you all run in and rescue the prisoner, okay?

They didn't answer him. This is too risky. If him stall whoever that person is when the other run in, will Claw make it out safely? What if he get caught again? We will lose another friend and that's un allowed. I look down, unable to speak anything until I stand up and walk over to Claw. I put my two hand on his shoulder, he turn to face me.

-I trust you, Claw.

-Ant Yaya...

-I believe that you will make it out safely and come back to us! I have faith so don't let me down, okay?

I ask him, sincerely. He surprised then nod at me. I smile before finally turn to Hayan place"Finally we will rescue all of the prisoner and come back to base safely, right Hayan?"-she nodded. I turn to all of them, beaming with confident. I know this plan will be tough but this is now or never, the enemy is strong indeed. But we could only do something in out power for now to save the other.

-We shall start this tomorrow morning. Now get some rest, you all have done well...
I greet to everyone and head back to my room first. I sat in my bed think about all the thing has happened. Ochobot sit next to me, I really don't want to alone so thank god he was here with me.

-Hey Yaya?


-Why did you follow us?

I hesitate"You two were really going without us, weren't you?"-now it's Ochobot turn to stop"I don't understand what happen at that night... After I heard Boboiboy was going to die..."-I stopped. Few tears began to run down, I hold tight onto my fist. I keep crying, crying nonstop.

Ochobot gave me a hug with his robotic arm. I couldn't stop crying at all. When I heard what Hayan said, I can't believe it and I refuse to believe it. I ran after them when they ran into the portal because I don't want to accept the fact that my friend is dead. He is my best friend, the friend that I... develop feeling with.

I like him since the pirate attack the Earth. No... I like him from way back when we were 11, the adventure we share, the moment we went through... Everything. I wanted to thank him for alway be there. To protect the Earth, to protect everyone, to protect us-his friend. When he shilled me from Captain Sparrow attack, I thought I lose him.

I fly after him but I couldn't catch him. He fall and I failed to save him. I thought I lost him, I lost the one person that I haven't get to say anything to. But he came back and save us once again.

-I'm... so scare, Ochobot...!

My cheek felt hot as tear keep falling down. I just let Ochobot hug me. I feel him hug me tighter.

-I don't... want... to lose him... He... was alway to reckless... and I afraid that... I would lose him... Forever!! I'm just so scare!!

I cry louder. Ochobot didn't say anything. He just let me cry, not comforting or saying anything else. I fall asleep later on...
Tapops station: 24 years ago~

Boboiboy POV:
The other we really impatient now. We found a way to go to the future but it will take us a couple of day to finish. Nut is trying to upgrade Ying power so she could transport us to the future. It's really sound impossible for Ying power to do that but her power is Time Manipulation. If she can stop time that she could move it, make it run foreward and bring us to the future. That's what i think.

I couldn't think of what really Nut is planing. You know... because I can't understand any of this crazy science stuff, Yaya and Ochobot does.

-I wonder if those two are okay?

I stared out side the window. The galaxy was alway so beautiful, filled with star in various shape and size. I enjoy gazing at it, who wouldn't?

They shined so beautifully. I alway wanted to go on an adventure across the galaxy when I was small like 11 or 12. Who's know that wish would became true after just 3 year?

-I'm so lucky~

I grin to myself. The best thing is I get to share it with my awesome friend, the friend I treasure so much. I wouldn't trade them for anything...

I sat down on the bed and hold onto the pillow, I sat cross leg on the bed. I move forward and back slowly with the pillow in my arm, thinking. What I said at Las Manak last time, did I said it out of conscious? It's seem too real and I was still hitting myself for it. Why did I said that anyway?

-I'm such an idiot... Luckily she didn't hear that... I have to make Ying and the other keep it as a secret now.

But inside I don't want to deny what I just said. In fact, I would really want it to become true. Who's know?

May be it will~~

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