Chapter 22: Finally...

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I landed with Irene on my back. We don't know her enhanced moved for transportation so I guess I'll have to carry her around.

Venus was thrown into a building across from us. How does she not get hurt from that. She didn't emerge gracefully like she usually does. I went to her aid and she was just laying there breathing heavily. The impact didn't seem to phase her. She rolled her eyes and put her head back. "Is Irene here?"

"Yeah." I mumbled. "She isn't steady on the ball thing but she's really-"

"We'll do it today. She'll be fine." She said slowly emerging.

"Wait now?"

"Self sacrifice can never wait..." She said holding out her hand for me. I put my hand near hers. We glanced at Irene who was hesitant. I nodded and she put her hand over ours. The purple and blue ball started to tint gray.

"On my back." I ordered Irene. The ball wavered as she did but then it slowly stablized. I began to charge up while Venus waited. "We will shoot a hole big enough for us and wait till it completely covers us. Hold our breaths until we can't see anymore. Then let go." She said.

I shot a large shot at the monster and it left a hole of its hardened shell. Venus and I jumped towards and inside. "Clone what the hell are you doing?" A tank with an intercom yelled.

"Get out of here quickly." She said. The tanks retreated trusting her judgement. The hardened areas got sucked in and shot outwards towards the buildings. The ooze started to slowly close in. We started to sink down into it as well." What if we don't survive?.. what if this doesn't work?" I mumbled.

Venus pulled off her mask and she looked at me. "Then we tried our best...." She mumbled. As the light slowly disappeared, we began to hold our breaths. The ball was small for some reason... Was this all for nothing? The ball didn't... It wa-"

I was covered by the ooze. I felt it eating away at my suit and skin. It was now or never. I heard a screech which was probably Venus's attempt to contact us. Maybe the last sound I would hear. I clentched my fist and was suddenly able to breath again. I laid on the ground heavily catching my breath. Covered in black shards. My suit was torn and my body cut along with. Irene rolled on her side groaning and trying to rest.

Venus suddenly started to hack like she's about to throw up. She started coughing like she did back when she drowned. Black goop started coming from out of her mouth. I shot them as they began to move. She then officially threw up a mouth full of it. I shot it again and Venus laid on her side. Her nose was leaking blood as she smiled.

"Holy shit it's over" she whispered. She closed her eyes and slept. Sleeping sounds like a good idea. I watched as people picked up the black shards and put them in little bags. They were cleaning up and I dropped next to her. To attempt to recharge.


I walked towards my mother's house where my family was staying for the time being. I opened the door and people started shouting in happiness. "My son is alive! You beautiful boy." My mom said hugging me. "You killed that beast."

I looked at Astrid who seemed perfectly fine just sitting and playing the Wii. My face remained still... This will be the hardest thing I'll ever tell my family.

I motioned them towards me and we went into a quieter room. "As we all now know thanks to Micah, I have powers." I rolled my eyes as the name bounced off my tounge. "I can't..... stay-"

"Stay at home.... You are going to live in space." Astrid said. "I knew it. I already told them this might happen."

"How did you even-"

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