Chapter 3: Venus

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I sat at lunch with Barrett glaring at me. Only we know what's about to happen. I looked at Alena. She was pale with her long raven black hair in frizzes.  She turned towards us. And mouthed.

"He's coming."

Shit. The door bust open. Richie came in with an ice pack on his eye. He glared at our table. Landing on each one of us. The cafeteria went silent.

"Look at the misfit table. Every one of you with a problem. But some how found happiness. Within each other."

It's true. Our table is filled with kids with mental disorders, no parents, foster parents, one parent, and lastly the ones who are just ostracized.

"With their high and mighty king." He said resting his hand on my shoulder. He started squeezing but I held a brave face. In 3 seconds he's going to come in and knock me into the wall. He pulled me from the table and onto the floor. I guess I was wrong. Percy widened his eyes and whispered somthing to Barrett.

"Richie stop." Alena got up. She was shaking from fear. But she had a hint of confidence. "Leave him alone. He did nothing but stand up to a bully."

Venus sat down near me and continued eating. Disregarding what is going on.

"Oh hello Venus." Richie said. "Nice of Queen of the Weirdos to arrive.

She looked up in confusion. "Zach! I didn't know we are allowed to bring clowns to school. Quick take a picture." She laughed. "Why don't we take that picture."

Andre snorted. That's Venus. I don't know her well but I know she and Andre are foster siblings. She had dark hazel skin with an medium sized Afro. I watched her admiration.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me asshole. Leave us alone."

"Is that what your parent said when they gave you up?" He laughed.

Venus laughed. "Oh my god. So funny. So very funny." She got up. "Say that again."

"Your parents gave you u-"

She threw mac and cheese in his face.

He grabbed her and pinned her against the wall. She squirmed and Andre immediately got up. She stopped him and glared at Richie.

"Must feel nice to hurt a girl right? Them being helpless. How they are fragile. How they never obey."

Richie held out a fist. "No they don't."

I glanced at Alena who was busy crying.  "Hit me, I dare you." Venus snapped. So he did. She took it like a damn champ.

"Now that felt good. Didn't it. Take your anger out on a helpless small female right? Want to do it again right?"

He attempted to hit her lower body. She took a deep breath. She kicked him off and head butted him. He landed a punch every 3 swings. While Venus was holding her own.

"Dammit Venus!" Andre said grabbing her. She let go of the hold and started socking Richie. She pushed him away and Andre finally got a good hold of her.

"Hit another girl see what's going to happen. You twerp." She yelled with a bruise forming under her left eye.

"This isn't the end you rotten underclassmen. "

"Oh you want your ass kicked again?!" She screamed. Oh that's right Venus is a Sophmore. Damn a 10th grader beat up 12th grader not to mention an under 5'8 girl.

I followed behind Andre and Venus, Venus was on the ground holding her cheek. "That's what you get. You told him to and he did."

"Where the hell did you learn to fight like that?" I asked.

Venus looked at me and winked. She ignored my question and continued to get medicine from Andre.

I lifted her head to look at the tiny bruise was formed. You'd think it'd be bigger but I guess her face is used to getting hit. She looked at me then looked away.

"He deserved it for what he did to Alena. I also don't like when people talk shit about my parents. "

She smiled. "Fuck he punches hard. Not as hard as-" she suddenly stopped herself. She she got up and shook herself off.

"Venus you-" Andre started.

"I have to get to class. Could you just get a water to D156? Thanks Andre. Later Zach."

I pulled her down. "You could be seriously hurt. Go to the Nurse."

"No thank you I'll he fine. I take hits like these all the time" She gave a smile.

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