Chapter 14: Investigating

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I stood up in my shower trying to keep my eyes open long enough so I didn't end up on the floor.

"Get out of the shower already dammit!!" My dad yelled. I yelled back some jumbled words and proceeded to turn off the shower. As I left my dad rushed in cursing about hot water and bills

I put a towel around my cold body in attempt to get a little more sleep. "Zach...."

"No Astrid. Zach is tired. Leave him alone."

"Zach we need...."

"Astriddddddddddddd" I whined closing the door behind me.

I felt a presence other than my own in room. I popped an eye open and Clone smiled. "Morning Grumpy." She patted my head.

"Get changed we have alot to investigate."

"We can't miss school or else-"

"Forged note." She held up a note for me. " Ever since my identity has been revealed, sick notes have to be turned in with a picture of my parental guardian and me.  I'm just going to leave my Clone. Irene going to chill here while your father is away."

"You thought of everything already right? And it was best to talk to me while I was naked right in front of my door."

She stared at me for 5 minutes. She let go and turned around trying not to laugh. "I'm so sorry. I truly didn't notice. I better go... Meet me at the board of education building. Make sure no one sees you."

I watched as she left. I smiled and sighed. "How did she get in....."

I floated tiredly towards the meeting place. Clone pulls me down and gives me a bottle of 5 hour energy.

"Aren't these bad for you?"

"Only if you take 5o." She poured cold water down my back. I screamed and she covered my mouth. "I'm trying to wake you up."

"Why do I need to be woken up?"

"Your negotiation skills are needed."


"Trust me for once."

"I do trust trust you cupcake." I said yawning and patting one of her puffs of hair. "I just don't want to beat up anyone this early in the morning."

"We won't."


I stepped into the main office of the school and went inside of the principal's office. "So basically. One of your students isn't who they say they are. Please don't try and find out. Just keep an eye on them."

"Could you just tell me who it is so I can keep my eye on them?" Mr. Klenolan

"He has to promise to not alert the authorities. Doing that might endanger the kids." Venus said in my ear piece. If the school sees her here then that clone would be figured out in a short time.

"Don't worry.... I care about the kids more than you think."

She sighed. "We also need to question a student."

"We do?"

"You do what?"


"Jonelle. Her and Alena have been tag teaming this for a while."

"If you are questioning the student.... Take them out of the school."

"Understood." I went back into the halls.

"You need to tell the school who to look out for." Venus laughed. I nodded and trailed back to the office to warn them about Alena.

"It's 2nd period. Wait till third period to strike." Venus whispered.

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