He rubbed his eye with the back of his hand, twirling his car keys in the other.

"I'm just worried about you, okay?"

"Don't be. I didn't ASK you to be." I snapped back, irritation pulsing through me like a virus. He should know better than to wake up an insomniac.

"Get up. I'm taking you to school." He bent down, picking a shirt up from the ground before throwing it at my face. I took another sip, glaring at him over the bottle.

"I can drive myself."

"Not after you're 'breakfast,'" he put his hands up, making air quotes around the word 'breakfast,' "plus I need gas money and you still owe me for Ashley."

"Who the fuck is Ashley?"

"You know, that girl you hooked up with last night? I introduced you? We played 'have you met Xander'? You said she looked easy-" Wyatt noticed my blank expression, "oh never mind. Just know you fucking owe me."

I sighed, pulling the shirt over my head before chugging the rest of the bottle. I stood up and made my way over to the bathroom, throwing the tequila bottle into the trashcan. Wyatt rolled his eyes as he checked his watch.

Quickly, I pulled on a pair of black pants and slipped into some shoes, grabbing a black sweatshirt off of the counter. After brushing my teeth and running my fingers through my brown hair, I was ready to go. Wyatt walked out the door, jumping over the side of his Aston Martin DB11 Volante that he never shut up about. I don't know much about cars, so to me, the only thing impressive about his $200,000 pile of metal was the speed. I grabbed my backpack and locked up before hopping over the passenger side door.

I handed Wyatt $50 then buckled my seatbelt.

"Let's rock n' roll." He smirked at me before lowering his sunglasses and turning up the music, blasting some array of rap. Then, he shot out of my driveway and down the street, towards our school.

By the time we got to school, I had gotten half way through the bottle of fireball I kept in my backpack.

I glanced at Wyatt. He was running his hands through his golden locks, pulling the corner of his lips up in a sly smirk as he glanced in the rear view mirror. He clenched his jaw, turning his head to the side to examine his jawline.

"Admiring your makeup? You're looking very pretty this morning." I joked, taking one last sip of fireball before shoving the bottle into the bottom of my backpack.

He glanced at me, smiling as he took his keys out of the ignition.

"It takes a lot to be this attractive. Unlike you, I can't just roll out of my bed smelling like someone who asphyxiated on their own vomit."

"Haha, very funny. Wow. You should be a comedian. Maybe then you won't need daddy to pay your bills." I opened the door to his car, throwing my backpack over my shoulder. Wyatt followed suit.

"You know, if you keep talking to me like that-" he threw an arm around my shoulder, "you'll lose the best friend you could ever dream of having." He laughed, lightly socking my arm.

"Get off." I muttered, flicking his wrist. He put his arm down, holding his backpack straps with his hands.

"You know you love me." Wyatt winked at me as he smiled. I was about to respond when his girlfriend interrupted me.

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