_Chapter 13_

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Shizuyu's P.O.V.
The following days went on like 'normal'. I would walk with Yami-kun to school earning myself the title of his girlfriend and Class 1-A accepted me. I ... felt bad. They were all too kind even Todoroki was nice.
"Hey Shichan! Deku!" That was a nickname they gave me. It was Uraraka and the rest of the girls. "Do you guys want to join us to the mall after school? You know for some shopping?"

"Uh..." Yami-kun was so cold he didn't even look at me. That was what made this harder, I found myself staying away from him as much as possible without arousing any suspicion and he did the same. "We'd love too." I was shocked.
I turned to look at him and smiled at me. Was he acting? I couldn't tell, then I realized he used his voice his proper one. Was I dreaming?

"Shizuyu I need to talk to you." He pulled me to a shade under some Sakura trees. "Are you scared of me?"

My breathe hitched causing him to look down.

"You are aren't you..."
"How are you talking like that."
"Like what? Oh you mean my voice, its practice. I've been doing alot of it since I can't sleep."

He smiled again "come on let's go."

After meeting up with the girls and a couple of the boys of class 1 A and B, we arrived at the mall.
First we went to our respective stores. Yami-kun and went to the pawn shop mostly because of the weapons. The girls headed to some Boutiques all though I wasn't half as interested and finally the boys who went to try on some upgrades for their hero outfits which was interesting to say the least.

Yami-kun seemed very uncomfortable but he was giving out a lot of advice to the class on which upgrades would suit them better. No one questioned him because they all liked the upgrades.

"Uh What are you doing?" I hissed.
"I..." His eyes trailed off to something behind me breathing heavily.

I turned to see a ice sculpture of a person in chains. they looked very uncomfortable and I didn't really understand what it was.

"We have to go."

"But we still have to -"


Third Person P.O.V.

Heads spun in their direction. Shizuyu was on the brink of tears whereas Midoriya looked furious. He didn't apologize instead he grabbed he hand and began to drag her away ignoring the eyes of his class mates.

A cold hand held his and pulled Shizuyu away from him. Todoroki stepped in between them followed by Kirishima and Kaminari.

"Midoriya calm down." Todoroki said.
"Yeah man, what's gotten into you?" Kaminari asked worried.
"A man doesn't hit a woman." Kirishima chimed in.

"Stop!" The assaulted girl wept.

Midoriya 'tched' and walked away. "See me at home." Was all the heard.

I'm really really sorry this was so short. But as you know every story has those kind of moments when the need to add those minor details into the light. Oh and there's an little Easter egg in this chapter. Can anyone find it. If you do please don't say what it was in the comments. Just send it to on the personal chat room. Bye for now. 7h1nk3r.

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