Leilani Nunez......... Samantha Ramirez..... Ava Reyes....... Victor Reyes....... Alex Sanchez........ Leah Valley.

All of us got our diplomas, we went back to our seats.

"Congratulations, Class of 2017!", the principal said. All students threw their caps in the air. We were officially graduated, we were all happy.

We took pictures together, with our families, friends, teachers and the principal.

My family from Hawaii had come to California for our graduation, Samantha's dad, mom, her stepdad (Leah's dad), and Leah had come to my house. Also, Alex's Family, Leilani's family and David. We were all celebrating our special day. David and I were hanging out together most of the night.

"Okay everybody, I'm gonna need you to go outside, to our front yard", my dad said with his voice raised. We all went to the front yard, Victor and I had our eyes covered. We stopped walking, my mom and dad uncovered our eyes.

"Surprise!", my parents said. "No way!", Victor and I said at the same time. "You seriously got us our dream cars!", Victor said. Victor's dream car was a Jeep, and my dream car a Range Rover.

"Your dad and I figured that since, you guys are going to different colleges, you both needed to stop sharing a car and have your own car. You guys deserve it! You worked really hard to get here!", my mom said. "Thank you so much!", we both said while hugging our parents.

We went back to our backyard. "Hey, can we go somewhere alone?", David asked. "Yeah sure!", I said. We both went inside my dad's office. "What's up?", I asked. "I didn't want to give you, your graduation present in front of your family", he said while giving me an envelope. "You didn't have to!", I said. "I know but I wanted to", he said. I opened the envelope, it was two airplane tickets to the Bahamas. "Oh my god! David, this is amazing! Thank you so much!", I said while hugging him. "We leave on Monday, I already talked to your parents, they're both okay with it", he said. "Thank you!", I said.

We both went back to the party.

Next day....

It's Saturday afternoon, Samantha, Leilani and I went to the mall together to shop. "He what?", Samantha said. "He gave me two airplane tickets to the Bahamas", I said. "So, you two are going together, alone?", she asked. "Yeah!", I said. "Have you guys had sex?", Samantha asked. "Samantha!", Leilani said. "What? It's just a question. So, have you?", she asked. I stared at her and said nothing.

"Oh my god! Ava Reyes, you are wild!" Samantha said while laughing. "When did this happen?", Samantha asked. "You didn't tell her!", I said to Leilani. "She knows?", Samantha asked. "Yes, I know. Let's just say I caught her leaving his house", Leilani said. "I thought you told her, I mean, she was with you for months!", I said. "Oh sorry, I was to busy being your enemy, and didn't care about telling her that her bestfriend slept with her former English teacher", Leilani said while staring at me. "True! Sorry!", I said.

I went back home and started packing for my trip to the Bahamas.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!", I said. "Hey sis!", Victor said. "Hey bro!" I said. "So, when are you leaving?", he asked. "Monday? What about you?", I asked. "We're actually still buying furniture and I'm looking for a job", he said. "Damn! Adult life!", I said while laughing. "Yeah, I know!", he said smiling.

"So, are you and David, like, a thing?", he asked. "Mmm, nope, he still hasn't asked me", I said. "But you still slept with him", he said. "Hey don't judge me! You and Leah were friends with benefits before you started dating", I said. "Okay, okay, I won't judge you! Plus, I don't have the right to judge you", he said. "Thank you!", I said. "You're welcome, all right, I'm going to leave you pack, I'm having dinner with Leah and her parents", he said. "Okay, bye!", I said.

Two days later...

Finally, Monday June 12, 2017, David picked me up from my house. He put my luggage in his car while I said bye to Victor and my parents. We both got in the car and started driving to the airport. We arrived to the airport, we went through procedure and now we were lining up to get in our flight. We both got in the plane and we took off.

Eight hours later...

We arrived to the Bahamas, we went through procedure, got in a Taxi and went to our hotel. It was my first time in the Bahamas, it was beautiful. We went to our room, we both got ready and went to get something to eat and after we went to the beach. We were both enjoying ourselves and the beautiful view of the beach. We both went back to our room, showered and went to eat dinner, then we went back to our room and went to sleep.

Two days later, June 14, 2017....

It was Wednesday night, we both went on a walk on the beach. We were talking and holding our hands, when suddenly, I see a heart made of roses and candles around.

"What's this?", I asked smiling. David grabbed my hand and we walked until we were inside the heart. He went down on one knee and took out a box and opened it, it had a promise ring inside.

"Ava Reyes, since the first day I saw you, I instantly fell in love with you. From that moment, I knew I wanted to be with you, hold you, kiss you, treat you like a lady, argue with you for the stupidest little things and be able to call you my girlfriend. Would you do me the honor to be my girlfriend?", David said while looking me in the eyes.

"Yes!", I said. He put the ring on my left ring finger. He picked me up, and kissed me. We both went back to our room, and spent a special moment together.

One week later....

It's June 20, 2017, David and I were leaving the hotel, we were on our way to the airport. We were back to California, he dropped me off to my house. Samantha and Leilani were waiting for me in my room.

"Hey! We missed you!", my parents said while hugging me. "I missed both of you too!", I said. I went to my room, I opened the door and Samantha and Leilani came running towards me to hug me. "We missed you!", they both said. "I missed you guys too!", I said while hugging them back. I showered and put something comfy, they were going to sleep over, they brought chips, soda, candy and pizza. We were having a girls night.

Everything was going good until, I went running to the bathroom and threw up.

"Ew!", Samantha said. "Sam!", Leilani said. "Sorry guys, I've been feeling sick lately", I said. "Since when?", Leilani asked. "Since, graduation day", I said.

Leilani and Samantha look at each other. "What?", I asked. "Do you by any chance, have a pregnancy test?", Samantha asked. "You guys don't believe, I'm pregnant, right?", I asked. "We're gonna have to make sure", Leilani said.

All of us went to the pharmacy to get two different pregnacy tests. Then, we drived to David's house without telling him. We arrived, it was 1 AM, I kept knocking the door, and Samantha kept ringing the door bell.

David opens the door, "Ava! What are you doing here at one in the morning?", he asked. "I think, I'm pregnant!", I said. David stares at me, "Come in!", he said.

I walk in his house and go straight to the bathroom, I took two different pregnancy tests, while David, Samantha and Leilani waited for me in the living room.

I get out of the bathroom and walk to the living room. "So?", Samantha asked. "I have to wait 4 minutes!", I said. David sighs, "Okay", he said while looking worried.

Four minutes later...

"Okay! It's been four minutes", I said. "Wait! If you're pregnant, what are you guys gonna do?", Leilani asked. "I don't know, David and I are gonna have to discuss that", I said.

I look at both of the pregnancy tests. "Oh my god! I'm pregnant!", I said.

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