-Chapter 3-

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I was speechless as she pulled away. Chasity, my friend who I thought was straight, just kissed me.

Is this real..?

I looked at her, my gaze darting between her left eye and her right eye. They seemed to sparkle a little more than usual. She reached into her pocket, and pulled out the note I wrote her, unfolding it with care. ''Read it, please-'' she said lowly, almost in a whisper. I held her gaze for another moment before slowly taking the note into my sweaty hands.

''Hey. Saw you run out of class, Sam. It's alright, no need to be embarrassed. I always said I was straight to preserve our friendship, I didn't want to put unnecessary distance between us. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend.


I tossed the note to the side and threw my arms around her. She squealed in surprise and giggled, gently wrapping her arms around my waist. We stood up, holding each other in an embrace that seemed tighter than any one we'd had before. Because this was different; it was still a hug, yes, but I now knew I had the same energy I gave out to her coming back to me.

We're perfect. We already know most things about each other, and now we can discover more...Heh.

I felt her arms grow tighter around me as did mine. This- This is all I could ever want with Chasity. ''Wanna go back to class?'' she asked happily. ''Yeah. I'm more than fine to go back now.'' I replied, gazing at her with a warm smile. She kissed me quickly on the lips, then headed out of the stall.


Everyone, even the teacher, stared at us as we walked back into class. I felt a smirk spread across my face as new confidence surged through my heart. ''Whatchy'all looking at?'' I said, glancing over at Chasity. She smiled and looked down, and the entire class went awkwardly silent. ''Anyways, as I was saying...Can someone tell me the atomic number of aluminum?''

I felt her eyes rest on me sternly. ''Why not you, Samantha? Considering you've been sobbing like a pathetic little girl in the bathroom this entire period.'' I cocked an eyebrow. This teacher really thinks she's the shit. ''13. Happy?'' I said, unfazed and slightly amused at how she thought she could humiliate me again. She rolled her eyes at me and turned back to the board. We sat down. I'm glad that went well. I wouldn't want to embarrass myself even more today.

After school, Chasity and I agreed to hang out at my place, since it's closer to campus then hers. I knew my mom would willingly drive her home, too; my mom absolutely loves Chasity, and it's been like that for years. She's my mom's favourite, and that could create more potential benefits for us-

Hell, I don't know what I'm saying. High school is one of those times that you have to find who you want to be, or even who you want to be with, and call me crazy, but...

I think i've found who I want to be with.

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