-Chapter 2-

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I didn't dare move out from my position. I could feel countless amused gazes eyeing me. I pulled my face tighter into my arms, biting my sleeve to hold back the sobs that were building up in my throat. Silence filled the room, creating an eerie ambience.

I looked up slowly, vision blurred, and glanced over at Chasity. She was staring at me blankly, her jaw dropped in surprise. I shook my head quickly. I can't fucking handle this. I got up, weaving through desks as countless pairs of eyes followed me the entire way out.

I sprinted down the hallway, struggling to see what was in front of me. All I knew, and cared about at the moment, was being alone and away from Chasity and everyone that heard my note. I shoved the girls bathroom door open so hard and fast that it slammed loudly against the ceramic wall behind it. A girl in one of the stalls screamed, startled, and seemed to jump out of her own skin just from the sound of it. I didn't care, all I could think about was hiding in a stall and not coming out until the halls were completely cleared. I nearly slipped on the matte, chestnut floorboards as I turned sharply into the furthest stall from the door.

Fucking hell... Why did I think this was a good idea?

I cupped my face in my hands, tears streaming down my face. I knew they wouldn't stop anytime soon, either. I looked up, bringing my head out of my hands and slammed my left fist against the thin, oak wall. An ear-splitting thud was heard as I did so.

Seems like I scared that girl again, as I heard a small whimper and quick, shuffle-like footsteps.

I giggled softly. This was the first time I smiled all day, let alone laughed.

Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought it would b-


My thoughts were intervened by a familiar voice. I felt my blood run cold as shivers ran down my spine, my eyes widening and fists clenching anxiously. I stayed quiet, too afraid and choked up to speak.

That was Chasity's voice, and there's no way in hell I'm letting her know I'm in here.

I bit my lip hard as I heard agonizingly slow footsteps get closer and closer to me. Tears spilled out of my eyes, and I begged with every cell that composed my body that she wouldn't find out I was in here. I heard a sigh echo throughout the room.

''Samantha Wells, I know you're in here.''

More chills wracked my spine, spreading through my body. My breath came in rapid gasps as panic set in, trembling as I stayed as still as possible.


I clapped both hands over my mouth, trying not to yell. My eyes widened even more and it felt as if they'd pop right out of their sockets. The door opened a crack, and I squeezed my eyes shut.



I opened my eyes hesitantly, fearing what Chasity had to say. Her light, hazel eyes pooled with sympathy and concern as soon as she looked at me. I shrank back as she tried to place her hand on my shoulder to comfort me, and even though I backed away a bit she managed to do it anyway. Her touch was warm yet cool as always, and set off sparks in me despite my physical--- and mental-- state.

I'm disgusting.

I looked down, waiting for words of hatred to come out of her mouth. About how she never wants to talk to me again. Rejection, hate, unacceptance. I felt my breath rattle as she used her gentle hand to tilt my chin up to face her. I was still a sobbing mess, my running mascara and liquid eyeliner must make me look horrid. There's no way she'd like me now. I shut my eyes once again, knowing I wouldn't be able to look at her face while she spoke, if she was even going to say anything.

..And then, all of a sudden, I felt her soft lips meet mine.

Care.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora