-Chapter 1-

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I walked through the large arched doorway of my school just as the waning alarm rang into my ears, signalling the start of a normal school day. "Hey!" exclaimed a voice I knew too well. I jumped, and snapped my head around to see my best friend- must I add, my huge crush- Chasity walking up to me. "Hey." I retorted evenly as we turned the corner and headed to our lockers. I opened mine, glancing at my schedule. Science...Biology...Math...Okay, I'm good to go. Once she got her books, Chasity and I jogged to our class, seeing as it was halfway across the campus. We came out of the main building and walked over to the Science Building. "Man, there's so much space in our high school." She said, looking around. ''Yeah," I started, agreeing. "I mean, what school that isn't a university or college has a need for five buildings?" She nodded. "You could probably throw a waterpark, a five floor mall, and a rollercoaster in all this space." I said jokingly. She laughed sweetly as I pushed open the door for our next class.

God, I love the way she laughs.

As the teacher began explaining the Periodic Table Of Elements to us, I started having those strange feelings again.

My clammy hands were clasped together. I could feel each and every nerve press against another, the joints of my bony fingers turning white. I stared at her from across the room, watching her brush the strawberry blonde hair out of her eyes as her pencil bounced between her thumb and her forefinger. I could feel a small blush dust its way across my cheeks as I watched her.

She's so beautiful.

But she's also my best friend. That's the shitty part, it's like she's obsessed with guys. I don't think she knows how I feel about girls, and I'd like to keep it that way to hold our friendship as it stands. But right now, I have more confidence than usual. Today is the day I'm going to do this. I took out a piece of crumpled lined paper, scribbling down a note anxiously. My heart's pounding so hard it's like it's beating out of my chest.

I like you, a lot.

It's unlikely that you feel the same. I know you're straight, Chasity.

But I thought to give it a shot.

Would you like to go out with me sometime?


I folded the note carefully into fours, and clutched it tightly in my hand for a moment. I nudged the kid beside me, I still don't know his name. "Give this to Chasity, thanks." He blinked at me and cocked an eyebrow, confused. "Don't ask. Just do it, man." I said, irritated. He shook his head, and went up to the teacher with the note. "WAIT!" I shouted to him, but it was already too late. He handed it over to the teacher as he muttered something to her out of earshot. Unfolding it, she grinned. Then, with an amused yet annoyed look on her face, she shushed the class and pulled the note out in front of her. I felt my entire body sink into the chair, and my heart dropped to my stomach. This isn't good...

"Class..." The teacher spoke finally, rising from her chair. "I have been told that somebody has been passing notes in class." The students rose, interested, knowing what would happen and excited to hear what she would tell them. She coughed, clearing her voice so it ran steady. "I like you, a lot." She started. I whimpered softly, burying my head in my arms which were resting on my binder. I felt tears well up in my eyes as she continued. "It's unlikely that you feel the same. I know you're straight, CHASITY." My ears rang as her name echoed through the room.

I could feel all eyes shooting over to her even without seeing it. I rose my head ever so slightly, peering out to see Chasity's reaction. Her hazel eyes were wide and glimmered with mingled surprise, fear and curiosity. The teacher pressed on. "But I thought to give it a shot. Would you like to go out with me sometime?" The entire class broke out into exclamations and chatter. Chasity stared downwards, blushing hard. "From...." She started once again. I felt hot tears dampening the sleeves of my soft sweater as I braced for the embarrassment.


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