Part 7, "Behold, This Wolf of Infinite Dread..."

Start from the beginning

Wenshalla Hax, a hooded, giant humanoid figure in flowing, ankle-length purplish-gray robes adorned with ivory skulls from which hung dual ribbon-like stoles with ornamental trim, could, like an Organyk mutant genus of Black Hole, bend gravitational Space with his alien mind. It was he who imbued Ryujonin Worr with the ability to survive passage from one vibrational Plane of Reality to another for limited times, allowing her to temporarily leave the Ventriculum. The Authoritarch, who was the size and mass of an ancient Tyrannosaurus Rex from ancient Earth, was telepathically tethered to the samurai-like ex-soldier and, though he did not engage her services often, he kept track of her comings and goings for the Authoritarch's Administrative Directorate with a strange, benignly paternal attentiveness. It was Hax who had assigned Xolak, the Paladin Prime of the Sentry Protective, to wrangle the nomadic outlaw warrior. A devout and deadly immortal servant to the Authoritarchs, Ryujonin Worr had swiftly ventured out from behind the Magistorial Ring of the Rift Bridge, traveling down the Framework Transport Artery inside the Topological Highway on a hunt to locate Mune'stahr and Pylott aboard The Glide.

In that frenzied search, Ryujonin Worr had instead picked up the path of destruction left in the wake of Opthas Kandyruu's passing.  More chaos.

*** She didn't want anything to do with this, not any of it. The Multiverse was a hard and unfeeling alien vastness mostly disinterested in the struggles and ambitions of human men and women. It was a place unfriendly to Organyks, a place of ceaseless and relentless change, existing beyond the capacity of human minds to fully comprehend. With that in mind, she had divorced herself from becoming involved in forcing any kind of sympathetic meaning or human-centric logic on how it interacted with its inhabitants. So it came as both a surprise and a mystery to her why sentient ancient beings of vast power like the Authoritarchs would have any need for humanoid agents, with all their flaws like fallibility and fragility and often possessing confused and compromised morality, to do their dirty work for them... Regardless, though, they did. Apparently there were rules that even such as they dared not ignore or break...

But it didn't change anything. She hated it when they needed her. ***

The Angel of Cataclysm lay behind her. The Killer of Gods lay before her. The signs were undeniable: it all stank of Infernyya Rebekkon's infection. It had become obvious that the Intercosm Paranescience, and its dictatorial chimeral Empyrikan demigod commanding its people and resources, was going to have much for which to answer.

If Kahlyndaar didn't kill them all first.

The consciousness, if it could be called that, so alien and distinctive were the intellects of the Authoritarchs, of Tegryimm Xolak was riding within her mind when Ryujonin Worr encountered the armored goliath Kahlyndaar as he pummeled his way past a cadre of networked defensive metal automatons. Shaped like hexagonal prisms, a dozen of the farming tractor-sized automatons had swarmed around the Black Sun Seraph like angry hornets as they relentlessly peppered him with particle beam pulse bursts. They had engaged the murderously aggressive Seraph in battle on the second furthest tower span of the Rift Bridge and were barely managing to slow his brutal progress towards the Prismatic Faction. Kahlyndaar's spiked armored gauntlets, constructed of interlocked and overlapping, super-dense scale mail scallops, rose and fell with swift precision, battering anything within his reach with force enough to shatter six centimeter-thick tungsten carbide alloy. The insectoid drone-like automatons emitted ear-splitting screeches amid an eruption of white-hot sparks every time the Seraph's huge fists connected while their particle beam pulses struck only to ricochet ineffectually from off the Seraph's impermeable exoskeletal bio-armor.

Unlike Opthas Kandyruu, Kahlyndaar's offensive weaponry was not artillery or ordnance-based. His power was base in sheer, unstoppable physical brutality. Kahlyndaar was a sentient, physical manifestation of a celestial-based anomaly, a magnetar with a mutant mammalian brain -- and mental psychosis. Being a unique variety of neutron star, wherea neutron star is defined as the collapsed core of a large celestial sun, a "magnetar" was a gravitationally collapsed star possessing an extremely powerful magnetic field. Kahlyndaar's ultra-dense physical body compressed the core remnant of an entire solar mass to that of atomic nuclei, emitting powerful and enervated streams of cold electromagnetic radiation. He could literally hammer his way through even the densest electronuclear force fields through just the use of his five gallon-sized fists.

Mune'stahr and Pylott:  HELLMARROW,  a tale of the VentriculumWhere stories live. Discover now