I call Lisa to check if she's home, so she can open the door for me. She lets me in and her 'Well??' is loaded with anticipation. "We kissed," I tell her with a face-splitting grin.

"Just kissed? You slept at his place, right?"

"I lost my keys and passed out in the car. Nothing romantic there," I chuckle. "He didn't want to wake up Lars and Yvonne, so he took me to his place. Loki slept on the couch like a perfect gentleman."

Lisa makes fun of me passing out when my Prince Charming came to pick me up, before she changes the subject. "By the way, Marc wanted me to tell you he is sorry about his friend's behaviour."

"That's sweet, but unnecessary. Will acted like an ass, that's not Marc's fault. I actually almost forgot about it already."

"Ha, I guess there is only one man on your mind right now!" Lisa quips and she catches the pillow I throw at her head.

On the train to Brooklyn I find myself daydreaming about my Asgardian prince. There are some little voices nagging in the back of my head, mostly about his violent past. But it feels so good to be close to him and those feelings drown out the voices. I do plan to ask him more about his origins. The myths tell Odin found him as a baby on the battlefield, but I don't know what being from Jotunheim entails. Based on looks, I don't see much difference between him and people from Asgard. Or Earth, for that matter. Maybe it's just the magic thing? I'll ask him tomorrow.

I'm indecisive about telling my mom about me and Loki. She left just over a week ago and already I am back with the guy she told me to stay away from. Maybe I just have to wait a little, see where this thing goes. On the other hand, if Loki comes to pick me up from work tomorrow, Lars and Yvonne will put two and two together anyway. It's better if mom hears it from me. I decide to send her a short email from my phone, asking how things are and casually mentioning I saw Loki again. I'll just ease her into it.

At the next stop I get some company. Chad gets on the train and when he sees me, he takes the seat before mine. He turns around to face me, his arm over the backrest. "Hey Ylva, good to see you. How are you? All better?"

"Yeah, I'm up and running again. How are things with you?"
Chad tells me how work is keeping him quite busy. He is able to make a living from it, mostly because he has a contract with a press agency now.
"That's great, Chad!" I tell him and I mean it. He really wanted to do this and he is making it work. I'm not a fan of his paparazzi activities, but it's great that he can make it as a press photographer.

"By the way, word has it you are dating that Loki guy. Is it true?"

"Where would you get that?" I ask a little sharper than my intention was.

"Haha, so it's true?" Chad gives me a wink. "I heard it through the grapevine."

"I'm not saying it's true," I grumble, but of course Chad doesn't believe me. I'm mostly wondering how word can have gotten out already. I just kissed Loki this morning!

"You've got yourself quite the hotheaded boyfriend there, getting in a fight at the concert last night."

"There was no fight! He just..." I stop talking. How does Chad know about this? "Are you stalking me?!" I'm getting mad and heat flares up in my back. Without thinking I put my hand on Chad's arm, gripping tight. "Were you at the concert? How do you know?"

"Calm down, Ylva. I'm no creep," Chad says, frowning at me. "I read it on Twitter. Instagram too. People put all kinds of stuff on there. It's just a matter of searching for the right hashtags."

"You are tracking me on social media?"

"No silly, not you. I'm just keeping tabs on Thor and Loki, in case I can get a nice shot of them. Some people spotted him outside of the venue." He sounds sincere. "On Twitter it said he was shoving a guy because of some girl. I just assumed it was you, as it was a Slackers concert. You like that band, right?" Chad shifts uncomfortably in his seat. "Can you let go of my arm now? You are stronger than you think!"

"Oh, sorry." I let go of Chad, slumping back in my seat. "I did not mean to."

"It's alright. You can make it up by letting me take a picture of the two of you. Don't you have a nice romantic walk planned by any chance?"

"I take it back. I'm not sorry!" I get up from my seat and go stand near the doors. Luckily, my stop is up next. I've got my fill of Chad already.

"If you are dating a celebrity you better get used to the camera!" Chad calls after me.

Author's note:
That was chapter 35, people! Finally, they kissed!
What do you think? Please let me know in the comments. And don't forget to vote! (pretty please! :-D)
I've got five more chapters lined up for the next couple of days and then this story comes to an end. Aww... I know... But, it's not the end yet! There is still plenty that is about to happen in the next five chapters. Stay tuned! :-)

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