"Why'd you do that?" Emily snapped at Eli, glancing at the dead body on the floor. "I had that handled."

"Yeah, well I wasn't too comfortable watching you play the innocent maiden." He muttered, eyeing the dead body with irritation. "Besides, it wasn't like you weren't going to kill."

"I wasn't going to kill him." She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "I was going to feed off of him and then compel him to not be a creep."

Eli deadpanned as he looked at her. "You actually got softer on me." He sighed, "You know, I would have thought with your father gone you would be more fun but nope. You're actually becoming a goody two shoes."

"Sorry if I'm not interested in killing every pervert that talks to me." She mused, crouching down beside the body. "So, are we just going to leave him here?"

"Yeah, I mean, whose going to miss this drunken creep?" He retorted as she stood back up. The two began walking out of the alleyway and onto the streets of New York. "You wanna head to Times Square next?"

She pursed her lips, they had been traveling city to city getting drunk and partying it up while also playing around with the local drunks.

On occasion Eli would kill one and as annoyed as she was, she let it be.

They had also been visiting local taverns that were places that vampires owned just for free blood since they were places that she owned. They were places for vampires who didn't feel comfortable feeding on the locals to come inside and get their fill from blood bags or from humans who were compelled to let them drink from them.

This had been the primary business for her making money over the years. She could compel things for herself but that got boring over the years and it did make a tiny bit guilty when she took things without paying.

Her eyes flickered up to the night sky that she could barely see from the tall buildings and the bright lights that overshadowed the stars.

She looked back down at the bracelet wrapped around her wrist, a fond look in her eyes. It had been almost a week now since she left Beacon Hills and in that time, she had gotten used to using her father's gift.

She thought back on that night.


It was as if her body was on autopilot as she finished setting down her suitcase by the door. She didn't really know where she was going, but she couldn't be here any longer. She lifted the suitcase up and locked the door behind her as she made her way towards her car.

Unlocking the trunk, she placed her suitcase inside and let out a heavy sigh when she heard tires screeching behind her.


The brunette hesitated for a moment before turning around to look at him. It felt strange staring at him now. There stood Stiles, staring at her with the same if not larger affection in his gaze as he looked at her with those caramel orbs of his and his cheeks flushed from obviously rushing here.

But, now that the threat of her father being gone, she no longer had to hide her love for this human. Except, she wasn't sure how to go about it, just like the rest of her life.

She didn't have revenge dwelling in her mind anymore. In fact, she felt a bit empty without the need of always planning ahead. She felt lost.

Because what did she have to do now? She had only stayed in Beacon Hills to get revenge. Now that reason was gone.

"What are you doing here, Stiles?" She questioned him, even though she already knew the answer.

She also couldn't stop the rush of guilt she felt for causing him so much trouble with pushing him away and sleeping with Derek which she knew would hurt him, but at the time it had seemed like the only way to push him away.

Unraveling ❖ Stiles Stilinksi [2]Where stories live. Discover now