Chapter 23

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You stood in your spot, staring up at the voice with your eyes like saucers.

"Mr. Hamilton," you breathed out, slowly walking towards him.

His eyes were sunken in, he looked exhausted. His figure was more frail that it was before, his lips were cracked and chapped. His hair had grown out longer, and a pair of wired spectacles sat on the tip of his nose.

"Mrs. Jefferson, welcome home," Hamilton smirked, opening out his arms for you. You quickly ran into his arms, making him let out a grunt.

"It's been too long. I'm so, so sorry," you sobbed out, tears flowing down your tinted cheeks.

Hamilton's grip on you tightened, "I know you didn't mean to go away for so long. I know it was your father. He told me. I begged him to let me see you; you're like a daughter to me," Hamilton choked out, releasing you from his grip so he could wipe his tear stained face.

"I should probably get going. Lord knows my father must be having a panic attack," you spoke, giving everyone a quick goodbye.

Philip looked at you longingly, his eyes downcast. "Can't you just stay here for tonight? I promise I'll escort you home first thing in the morning," he begged, holding onto the skirt of dress just as he did when the two of you were smaller.

"I wish I could. You know how my father gets," you told him, gripping his wrists lightly.

Philip released himself from your grasp, his eyes brimming with tears. "Today is quite the emotional day," he whispered, wiping away his stray tears.

You nodded in reply, giving him a quick hug. You began to leave out the door, but Philip grabbed you once more.

In an instant his lips captured your own, and you didn't know how to react. His lips were soft and warm, making your heart melt. You didn't kiss him back, although you wanted to.

"I-I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me," Philip stuttered, his face extremely red. His family shared shocked expressions, and you wasted no time in retreating outside.


"Where have you been?!" Jefferson scolded, pinching the inside of your arm as he forced you inside.

You struggled against his tight grasp, clawing at his hand. Jefferson grew angered by this and quickly took you to your room, throwing you onto your hardwood floor with a thud.

"I shall ask you this once more, (Y/n). Where have you been?!" he yelled, his intonation growing darker.

"I-I was in the marketplace. I was looking for-"

"Lies!" he shouted, walking closer to you. "I had an entire search party in the marketplace looking for you! Everybody we asked said you hadn't been there!" he screamed.

You back away from him slowly, your arm hurting from the pressure he had applied to it.

"I was with Philip!" you suddenly screamed, looking down at the floor beneath you.

Jefferson's angry expression grew even more terrifying as he got onto his knees. His face was inches from yours, and that's when it happened.


Your father, the one who swore to always protect you, had struck you.

You cowered in fear, clutching onto your stinging face. You let the tears you had been holding in flow freely as you sobbed. This only seemed to anger him more.

He struck you again, and again, and again. Each blow more painful than the last.

When he was finished he quickly composed himself, and left your room without another word. You lay on the cold floor, blood spilling from your mouth and nose. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears, and the metallic taste of blood filled your mouth.

Some of the help suddenly rushed in, helping you stand and get cleaned up.

"How could he do this to me?"

Philip Hamilton X Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now