Chapter 3: Man Whore

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The next day went by pretty uneventful. I went to school, came home, ate dinner and finished packing for my trip in the morning. The highlight of the day was probably when Ben beat Hunter in Call of Duty.

While I was in the middle of picking out a jacket to take my phone began to ring, it was Luke.

"What's up?" I greeted.

"Not much but hey can I copy your geometry homework? I told Mr. Newman I had it done I just left it at home and for some reason he believed me but said I have to turn it in before I leave for the camping trip."

"Sure, I guess but I'm not texting you the answers that would take too long."

"Just send me pictures." He suggested.

"Have you forgotten my phone is from the dinosaur days. It doesn't have a camera."

"Shit, you would be the only person not to have a normal phone. " he paused for a minute. "I could just come over and copy it or take your notebook."

"No way it's past midnight. If Liz found out she would kill me." I reminded him.

"So? It's not I'm coming over to bang."


"Don't yell! She might think your moaning my name."

I made a face. "Your disgusting. Just come over but use the tree."

"Really Kenzie?" Luke said.

"Really Luke." I replied.

"Really Kenzie?" He whined.

"Really Luke."

"Kenz, I'm not 11 anymore there's no way I'll be able to keep balance on that tree now. "

"Use the tree or forget about getting the answers." I say and hang up on him.


Ten minutes later Luke knocked on my bedroom window. I pulled it open for him to climb in.

"So the tree wasn't that bad but that damn window did get a lot smaller." He complained.

"Stop being so loud!" I whisper yell.

He mouths sorry and takes the math notebook from my desk.

"So Kenz" he whispers. "Nice nighty." He smirks looking at my silky tank top and shorts.

"LU-" I begin to speak.

"Mckenzie, honey, are you still up?" I hear Liz yell from down the hallway.

Luke and I make eye contact and whisper "shit" at the same time. I motion for him to get in my closet.

There's a knock at my door. "Come in." I say.

In walks Cam only in his boxers. His glowing gold skin and six pack are too hard not to look at. I've seen him a million times like that before but I still get butterflies as if it was the first time.

"Sorry" he mumbles, "mom wanted me to give you some stuff to put in your bag. She gave some to me too." He handed me a flashlight, extra batteries, bug spray and some things but I didn't exactly know what they were for.

"Thanks." I say. As he turns to leave the room a loud thud comes from my closet door.

"Fuck!" Luke says from inside the closet.

I shut my eyes and hit my head with my hand. Cam opens the closet door.

"Hey man." Luke says smiling.

"Hey." Cam replies and begins to walk out of my room but turns around to look at me. "You should get him out of here I think mom's going to come in here in a minute to give you more stuff."

"Cam, it's not like t-." I try to explain.

He interrupts, "Don't worry. I'm not gonna tell mom ." and shuts the door.



The next morning I woke up at 5 am. We had to be at school for the trip by 6. Liz said she would take Hunter to school today since we were going an hour and half earlier than school started.

While getting ready I tried to avoid Cam at all costs. I really don't know why, I guess I was just embarrassed about what he saw last night.

I was safe until he came himself and knocked on my door. I went up to open it but he already began to say, "I'm waiting in the car. Hurry up."

I sat in the passenger seat of his car for the first time. Usually Hunter would always sit up front.

The first few minutes were very awkward. He drove in silence while I fiddled with my bag. "Cameron, about last night" I began.

"I really don't care what or who you were doing last night, Kenzie. It's your life do what you want."

"I can't believe you think I would be like that kind of girl. Whatever, Cameron. I'm not even going to waste my time explaining anything to you." I crossed my arms.

"I didn't mean t-" he began to say.

"I'm not like you, Cameron. You know people at school call you a man whore." The words poured out of my mouth in anger. I wasn't sure if the rumor was true. Cameron did have a few girlfriends through out the past few years but nothing seemed serious. I know Cameron and I know he's not the type of guy to disrespect a girl and take something so personal from her if he didn't love her.

He didn't respond he just kept a straight face.

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