Chapter 25: Avoiding Eye Contact & Awkward Conversations

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Christmas Day
We begin the day opening the rest of our presents. My mom, Veronica got me charm bracelet. Not really my style but I guess it's nice that she thought of me.

Hunter and Ben combined their money and got me two gift cards one to Zara my favorite clothing store and one to Sephora my favorite makeup store. I give both of them a hug and kiss on the cheek.

Liz's main gift to me was the plane ticket but she spoiled me as always on Christmas with clothes, perfumes and makeup.

Cameron claimed he got me a gift but accidentally misplaced it. All I got from him was a "Sorry, Kenzie."

After opening gifts and eating breakfast we all sat around the TV and watched our favorite Christmas movies.

Cameron had been good about keeping his distance from me. He didn't talk to me at all after I yelled at him to stay away, then again I didn't really leave my room after that day.

During the second Christmas movie Hunter got a call from his girlfriend so he went up to his room for a bit. Leaving me and Cameron on the same couch with no one between us. Liz and Ben were laying on the ground in front of the TV.

Cameron leaned over and grabbed my hand. I quickly smacked it away. "I need to talk to you." He whispered.

I throw my legs up onto the sofa filling in the space between him. Hoping he gets the hint that I'm not willing to talk.

He puts his hand on my foot and slowly begins to slide it up my leg. I don't take my face away from the TV screen. I know I should stop him, but this feels...nice. His hand touching my skin drives me crazy. Why am I letting him do this? I hear Hunter's footsteps coming down the stairs so I quickly kick his hand away and take my legs off of the couch.


"Hey babe. Merry Christmas! Sorry I didn't call earlier we were up in the log cabin and reception was bad there." My boyfriend says from the other side of the phone.

"No worries. So guess what? I have a surprise for you!"

"No Kenz, you already got me a gift. Please nothing else." He tells me.

"It's not a gift, Luke. It's a surprise!"

"Same difference. So when do I get this surprise."

"Well that's the thing about surprises. You never know when you'll get them!" I mess with him.


The Christmas party at my mother's health facility had begun. I try to stay as far as possible from her the whole time. Avoiding eye contact and awkward conversations. I really don't want to create another scene, specially in front of all these people.

"Grant, meet my kids Benjamin and Mckenzie." Our mother introduces us to one of her friends she's made in the facility.

"Kids, this is my boyfriend." Correction: she's introducing us to her boyfriend not her friend.

"Pleasure meeting you kids." The overweight, hairy man with a hairy mole on his chin smiles at us.

All evening I listen to my mother talk and talk and talk, catching some sentences out of the conversations, but mostly all I can think about is him and how I wish he was here to take me away from this misery.

"Lizard, did you meet my boyfriend? This is Grant." Veronica tells Liz.

Liz makes a face I don't know if it's at the nickname she was just called by or if it was from looking at Grant's hairy mole for too long.


Come on Kenzie! Don't be like this! Just let me talk to you!" Cameron says following me up the stairs.

Liz dropped me off at home and went back to join Ben and my mother at the party. Ben wanted to stay longer than I did.

When I got home, Hunter was passed out in front of the TV and Cameron was sitting next to him watching TV but when he saw me he got up from the couch and began to follow me.

"I don't have anything to say to you, Cameron." I say without looking his way.

"Yeah, but I have to talk to you. Just let me expl-"

"Please don't. Nothing you say now can change how much you've hurt me." I say as the tears flood my eyes.

He tries to talk but I just slam my bedroom door in his face...again.


In the middle of the night my bedroom door opens and he walk up to my bed, "Kenz?"

"Look I know your awake and I know you don't wanna talk to me, but I just wanted to give you this." He says placing a box on my bed side table. "I hope you didn't think I forgot about you. Merry Christmas."

He looks at me for a while, I guess he thinks I might says something. When he doesn't get a reply from me he continues to say, "I don't want you to open it now. Open it when your ready, but please open it. Don't just throw it away." with that he leaves my room. Leaving me in the dark again as he has done so many times before.


So this chapter isn't my best but I needed to write it just so you guys know about Grant and the gift Cameron got Kenzie.

Next 2-3 chapters are going to be the New Years Eve/New Years chapters and I'm so excited! I might post tomorrow if I get a lot of comments and likes on this chapter tonight :)

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