Chapter 28: Suit and Tie

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Cameron's POV

"Cameron, honey it's mom. Happy birthday! Did you get to the airport okay? It's been two hours...let me know how much longer till you will be home."

"Hi honey, it's mom again. Where are you? Call me back."

"Hey Cam, it's Hunter. Happy birthday man where are you? Mom is freaking out. Just call us back. Bye. "

"Cameron, it's mom again. Sweetheart, please call me back or text me. I'm really worried."

"Hey man! It's Kenny. Your mom just made Hunter call me, he was asking if you are at my place. Everything good? Where you at? Oh and happy birthday! Call me back so we can turn up tonight! Bye."

"Cameron where the hell are you? I realize you are an adult but you are still my little boy. Don't worry me like this. Call me back."

"Hey Cam, it's dad. Uhh...your mom called and told me your missing or something. Hope everything's alright. Call her back."

"Hey it's dad again forgot to say happy birthday soooo happy birthday son."

"Hi Cameron, it's Mckenzie. Liz told me you never went home after dropping me off at the airport. Where are you? Look, whatever is going on between us, you shouldn't act out on your mom. Please call her back. She's really worried...and so am I."

"Here we are sir, that'll be $54.31." the cab driver tells me.

I put my phone back in my pocket after listening to all 9 voice messages from all 41 missed calls, most of which are from mom. Around 7pm she finally gave up and stopped calling. I feel bad that I didn't tell anyone that I left but if I don't do this tonight I don't think I'll ever be able to.

I pay the driver and get out of the cab and walk towards the entrance of the house, which looks more like a mansion. On the way I get sour looks from people probably because I'm in the sweatpants and an old tee shirt, while they are wearing formal dresses and suits.

"Sorry sir, suit and tie entry only." The security guard at the entrance tells me.

"My name is on the list." I tell him. I begin to push past him but he gives me a murderous look.

"Doesn't matter sir, you are not dressed accordingly." He grinds his teeth.

"Chill man, your a fucking security guard not the FBI and this is a New Years party not brunch with the president." I begin to walk past him and put he pushes his hand onto my chest, holding me back.

I was just about to lay one on his face, but thankfully for him, Ana saw me from inside the house and came out and told the little douchebag security guard that I'm her guest and he needs to let me in.

"He's right though, Cameron. You need to put on a suit. I think you could fit into one of my husband's suits." Ana says.

After I put on Zack incredibly uncomfortable designer suit I walk down stairs back to where the party is taking place. Taking one look around I can tell this isn't one of those high school parties that I'm used to. The 'party' is a bunch of snobby, rich, old people and their snobby, rich grandkids giving each other fake compliments about their overpriced designer clothes. I begin to scan the room, looking for her.

She's in the most beautiful girl I've ever seen; the way her long blonde hair falls against her back, the way she scrunches her nose when she laughs, the way her eyes glisten as the reflect the light, the way her cheeks blush when someone tells her how beautiful she is, the way she smiles and whispers "I love you" him.

Choking back my anger, I look at my watch. 11:45pm. I just need to get her alone in the next 15 minutes. If I don't tell her tonight, I won't ever tell her.

11:48pm: She's still with him. He's talking to some old couple who I'm guessing are his grandparents. She's standing behind him, faking smile. The old man says something to her which makes her frown. What a fucking assface just like his fucking assface of a grandson.

11:51pm: "Hey Cameron!" Ana comes up from behind. "You remember my husband Zack." She says pulling on the poor guy behind her.

"Sup man." I say. The poor guy doesn't even get the chance to answer back because his chatterbox wife is well being annoying as usual.

"Well what the hell are you doing standing over here! Shouldn't you be talking to her?" She motions towards Kenzie.

"I would, but your assface of a brother won't leave her alone. He keeps dragging her everywhere behind him." My face heats up as I speak.

"Okay," she rolls her eyes. "I guess I'll help you." She pulls out her cell phone on her clutch.

"Hey bro," she saying talking into the phone. "I'm upstairs I'm trying to find my car keys. Where did you put them? What? I don't know where that is! Come up here and help me! No! I need them now! No, let her enjoy the party you'll be back quick. Just come up!" And with that she shuts the phone.

Across the room, we watch assface tell Kenzie he's going upstairs. I can what he's saying because the moron actually pointed at the stairwell. Like she some idiot who doesn't know what upstairs is, nice one assface. A couple of seconds later he's walking away from her and up the fancy staircase.

Man, she's good.

"You're welcome." Ana gives me an annoying grin.

11:57pm: She's walking out of the party, going towards the back, perfect. I wouldn't want to talk to her in front of all these prudes anyways. She opens a door in between some long window. She obviously knows the house by now because me and every other guest here would of mistaken the door for a large window. The door leads to outside of the mansion, onto a small balcony. No better place or time than now.

"Kenzie." I call out her name.

She looks away from the stars and the moon and her glowing eyes meet mine.


Sorry for the cliffhanger. I'm mean I know. ;)

Cameron is in Denver to talk to Kenzie! What do you think he's gonna say? Do you think she will even give him the chance to talk or will she ignore him?

Also, let me know what you think of my edit for Luke and Kenzie at the party. Don't be mean! I edited on my phone, I don't even have professional software for picture editing. I think it turned out alright what do you think?

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