"Shut up, Lou! Go straight to the point!" I command and he starts to act disappointed by me but he obey it though.

"Are you finished? Can we go now?" he is scowled.

"Ya, let's go!" I following them to the car parked in front of my flat. While walking I stare at Savira's figure. She is nice. She always use modesty clothes since the first day we met. She covers all of her body and her hairs too. You can tell that she seems in love with her religion so much. But her modesty clothes aren't those old or classic. She still looks trendy and all. For the conclusion she seems pretty. Jeez, why I thought of her that way?

Now we're in our way to the beach. Savira, Elanour, and Maria are here with Lou, Niall, and me. The others will come with their own car.

"Earth is calling to the flirtious of the band!" Savira waves at me.

"Flirtious? Seriously? Is it even a word?" I can't handle my laugh when I realized her choice of word.

She looks confused before answer,"of course it is a word, Haz."

"Really? What's that means?" I still can't handle my laughter while I heard others start to laugh too.

"Means the most flirty boy." she shrugs while me and the others can't hide our laughter again now. This girl is seriously something.

"Learn English again, Savira!" I heard Niall comment with a grin.

"Hey, I'm an expert and have experiences!" she scowls.

"Yea, Niall. She's an expert in English." I'm supporting her and she grins at me.

"Awww! Hazza is helping Savira." Now Maria's commenting.

"Eh.. um.." I have nothing in mind to replying her and the rest of the way they start to tease us.


"WE ARE HERE!!!!!" Louis happiness can't be hide.

"Hey guys! Salam Savira!" Nadia and Zayn said in unison.

"Hello Nadia! Hello Zayn!" people start to greet them and the girls start to hug each other.

"Salam Nadia!" I heard Savira said her greeting and hug her before turn to Zayn and say,"Salam Zayn!"

"What we're gonna do first?" Niall chirping.

"Let's just chilling first then eat our lunch." El suggested.

"Agree!" We all chorus.


Savira's POV

I sat on the same spot like the first time I talked to Harry. I sat there alone before Nadia approaches me.

"May I?" she smiles.

"Of course!" I return the smile.

"So, I've been wondering.." her words are hanging.

"About?" I encourage her to continue.

She takes a deep breath before say"About you and Harry."

"Me and Harry?" I can't hide the surprise.

"Ya, about you guys." she confirms.

"What about me and him?" I'm asking while I saw Harry with El, Daniele, and the lads playing in the water.

"Do you like him?" she asked.

I think about it for a few minutes before state,"I don't know, Nad.. I mean we love to flirt and mocked each other a lot. Then some people start to think that we're dating but I can tell that we're not. I can't date and all that stuffs, you know?" I stop for a while and see she's nod before continue,"I don't understand my feeling, Nad."

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