Chapter 10

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"This is crazy..."Jessica muttered to herself.

It had been a week since her near-elimination and since then things between her and the other two guys have been nothing short of weird.

Both Phil and Colton had been engaged in a game of tug-of-war and she was in the middle of it.

Every chance they get, they're both around her, beside her, behind her it was driving her crazy!

When she sang "Stuttering" she was pretty sure she was singing it for Colton.  Now, she isn't too sure.

Who said being 16 can be this crazy!

"Hey Jess..." it was Colton.  He jumped beside her and she smiled.

"Hey there Colton.  I was just thinking about you" she bl;urted before she can even stop herself.

"You were?" his smile widened.

"Uhm, Yeah." was all she can manage to tell him.

"Wow, share! Why were you thinking about me?"

"Nah. I'd rather not." she gave him her sweetest smile.

"No fair, c'mon tell me, I wanna know! I demand to know!" he jokingly told her and reached out for her hand.

She blushed.

"I've been meaning to tell you something...about the song I sang last week." 

"Go on, I'm listening..."

"Well, in case America decides to get rid of me tomorrow after performing tonight...I wanted to let you know..."

"This is getting interesting. Go on." he urged her to continue.

But before she can continue.

"Hey guys! You're both getting too comfy here, mind if I join?" it was Phillip.

"Hey, Phil" was all she can manage to say.

"Hey bro, bad timing, me and the little lady here, we're having a conversation." Colton told him, his voice tense.

Phil pretended like he didn't hear him.

"Swell, so you ready for later, Jess?' he asked Jessica instead.

"As a matter of fact, I'm not ready yet and I have to go now, rehearsal time." Jessica left in such a hurry bith guys could see smoke folloing her heels.

"Now you've done it!" Colton accused Phil.

Phil gave him a colld stare.

----to be continued----

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2012 ⏰

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