Chapter One

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Chapter One

It was nerve wracking.

The idol mansion is all quiet now.  I’m pretty sure the others are already in bed in deep slumber.  But not me.  I’m still wide awake.  The hour that past already seemed like an eternity…everything is so unreal.

The judges have just used their saved on me.

I can barely remember anything after.  I just remember Ryan telling me to sing for my life and I did.  The craziness that followed was just so overwhelming.  I knew Jennifer Lopez grabbed the mic from me after singing a couple of lines.  Then Randy and Steven.  I remember the others hugging me, congratulating me, I remember seeing my mom standing behind me and I didn’t even remember how she got there.  Then I remember Colton hugging me tightly.  




I was so happy hearing about this week’s theme, “songs of this decade” I already knew I’m going to sing jazmine Sullivan’s Stuttering, my personal favorite which up until very recently, I didn’t figure would be something that’s so close to home.

I didn’t when it started.  But somewhere between the Top 13 week and today, I knew my feelings for him had changed.  Sure, I was hanging out with Deandre most of the time, but I couldn’t stop myself feeling…I dunno…sad?  He was always with her.  They’ve sung in duets together too many times I stopped counting.  I was never the envious type, but in those times they sing together, I couldn’t stop wishing he was singing duets with me.  I know! It’s crazy, but I did wish he was singing duets with me.  I found myself wishing, fervently hoping that Nigel, or whoever it is that makes the decisions about the duets would finally have me sing with him.

I wanted to sing Stuttering and i told myself i’m gonna sing it like my life depended on it.  What can a 16-year old shy girl like me do.  The few times we’ve spent together, words desert me.  I’m starting to think he probably thinks I’m stupid.  I wanted so much to talk to him but I couldn’t….words desert me whenever he’s near.  Hopefully, the song would say the things i’ve always wanted to tell him but couldn’t….


End of Flashback


continued on Chapter 2

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