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I sat on the rock over looking the waterfall as the wind blew softly. I couldn't help the sigh of contentment that escaped my lips as I look in my scenery, it was peaceful. The only sounds that could be heard were from nature, and the animals that lived around here. A few moments passed when I heard the crunch of a leaves behind me. No one came here. No one knew of this place besides Tiberius, Marie, Ronan, and I. Quickly I got to my feet and watching the area behind me ready for a fight. I had my favorite dagger in my hand waiting patiently.
  "Calm down princess it's just me." His deep voice spoke a second before I saw him. I knew it was really him by his english accent. No one could accurately mimic his voice, at least not all the way.

  "Ti!" I yelled jumping down from my rock and ran towards him. Jumping into his arms that he held open for me as we met in the middle. I wrapped my legs instantly around his waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed me before I could say anything. I could feel very one of his emotions in this kiss. It only being our fourth kiss it was by far the best one yet. After a moment I pulled away to breathe. He pressed his forehead to mine as he held me up.

  "I missed you so much." He whispered as if anyone could hear us.

I chuckled leaning back a little bit to look into his deep brown eyes. "I know Id miss me to."

"Oh so you didn't miss me Lil Ainsley." He grinned calling me by that annoying nickname.

  "Ti." I warned glaring at him. Only he didn't notice the hint of playfulness in my eyes.

  "Hey I was gone for two weeks I get to pick on you all I want." He reminded me.

  "Yeah I know you were gone. It sucked I had no one to help irritate the others. I had to even come up with some of the stuff myself god forbid." I grinned trying not to giggle.

  "Oh is that all I'm here for. So you don't have to come up with the ways to irritate others?" He looked at me with mock hurt covering his face.

Humming before I responded I met his eyes. "It's pretty much all you're good at so yeah guess so." I joked instantly I saw his eyes darken.

  "Oh I'll show you what else I'm good at Lil Ainsley." He growled playfully before slamming his lips against mine. I kissed back instantly.
A second after he kissed me down to my neck he was gone and I stood at the edge of the clearing pinned to a tree by a vampire. I could hear fighting all around me and the coppery smell of blood drifted into my nose. I tried fighting the vampire but he had my hands pinned tightly to my side.

  "You smell of their second." He growled as his face contorted into disgust as he punched my stomach hard making me grunt in pain. A second later his eyes locked in on my neck I saw him process what I was to Tiberius. Noticing he was distracted for a second I tried fighting again getting my knee up I connected it with his balls making him let go of me instantly. I ran a half a second later. I needed to get a weapon it was my only chance. As I took in what was going on and trying to find something I noticed Marie, Ronan, and a few guards fighting the vampires Tiberius came upon. 'He must've called for help.' I thought. I spotted a stake a few yards away from me, but before I could even step towards it I was tackled to the ground. Letting out a startled scream I slammed into the ground face first. I was turned onto my back and tried fighting the leech. What I hadn't noticed was his eyes zeroing in on my neck and a moment later I felt his fangs sink into the left side of my neck. The split second before I felt the pain I was thankful it wasn't my right side. He started acting like a starved dog eating for the first time in weeks as he attacked my neck causing it to be even more painful, I couldn't help the scream that left my lips.

Otherworld: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now