Fuck Away The Pain.

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  Authors Note: Dedicated To AliyahShaqelle

  With my knuckles wrapped tightly I stalked towards my punching bag rolling my shoulders back. I needed to burn off this aggregation bad. The fact my family felt like they had a right to question me when I was going somewhere I didn't want to go for them made it worse. They didn't know what really went down between Jason and I, and they blew it out of proportion. I attacked the bag with everything I had not going easy on it. I was hitting it harder and harder with every new thought I had. I could feel my heart rate speed up while my breathing got deeper. I soon I felt sweet sliding down my neck and forehead. I stopped for a second to grab a drink and wipe my neck. Before I turned around I felt eyes on my back. Turning around I saw Louke standing there watching me.

  "How long have you been standing there watching me?" I questioned after a few seconds. I noticed he had changed into a pair of black sweats that looked loose on him, and a matching muscle shirt. I could see how muscular he really was. I wouldn't admit it out loud but I was impressed by it. I didn't think he was this big. I noticed a tattoo coming up over his left shoulder, but I couldn't tell of what though, it looked like it might be a tribal design but I wasn't sure.

  "Only about five minutes or so. You looked pretty into beating the shit out of the punching bag so I figured I'd wait till you were done." He stated as I looked at the clock taking a drink of my water. I had been down here for about twenty minutes already.

  "What do you want?" I asked meeting his eyes as I closed my water bottle a few moments later.

  "What?" He looked confused at mt question which annoyed me a little bit.

  "You said you were waiting till I was done beating the punching bag so what do you want?" I clarified crossing my arms over my chest.

He scratched the back of his head as he held my gaze, he looked a little nervous but it was quickly shoved aside and replaced with what im coming to learn is his normal cocky expression. "Right. I wanted to make a deal with you."

   'Oh yay hes actually going to go through with asking me to let him hunt with me.' I thought getting more annoyed but part of me was curious as to what we'd be doing. I didn't let that show though as I made my gaze colder hoping to get him to look away.

  "What is it?" I asked a moment later when the curiosity won out, and his gaze moved slightly to the side. A smirk was trying hard to force its way to my lips.

  "We fight. Whoever gets the other to tap out first, pinning doesn't count, wins. If I win I get to go with you tomorrow to talk to your employee at the Aquarium. If you win you get whatever you want." This surprised me but I hid it easily. I hadn't expected him to want to go tomorrow. There was no doubt in my mind that was my families doing as well though, well more specifically Sean's, and Sophie's. 'Maybe if I let him win and make it obvious I let him win, but show him what I'm capable of he'll tell the others I don't need a hunting partner and won't bring it up to me. This could be my chance to make sure he doesn't ask me.' I thought it over for a moment.

  "The wraps are over on that table. Music or no?" I turned away from him walking towards the huge sparring mat I had, but not before I noticed the look of surprise flash across is face.

  "Yeah music is fine." He spoke quickly. I didn't reply as I verified off from my path towards the mat a little and went to the shelf where my speaker base was. I quickly turned the system on, and all of the speakers down here quickly filled with the beginning sounds of Fuck Away The Pain by Divide The Day. I instantly knew my brother had been down here and messed with my play list. Rolling my eyes I walked to the mat and waited for Louke. We had a lot of equipment down here thanks to some of my contacts it was like a full on gym plus some. My favorite spots were my sparring mats and punching bags. Since my family doesn't like sparring with me because they can't last more then thirty seconds I don't get to use the mats unless Matthews is over. Matthews has only sparred with me once since I've been back though. A moment later I heard Louke walking up to me. I opened my eyes and saw him watching me. I could feel him studying me trying to read me already. I moved my hands behind my back and widen my feet slightly and waited, watching him. I wasn't going to make the first move not with him. I took a few deep breathes as he started stalking around me like a predator does it's prey.
I watched him every time he came into view, and when he wasn't I listened to his movements. I listened to his breathe and how it changed when he was about to attack but would change his mind. After about the sixth time circling me he decided that was good. When he was in front of me again I saw his right fist clench subtly clench just a little bit tighter out of the corner of my eye, and a second later it was heading straight for my left cheek. I quickly deflected it with my left arm pushing his arm away as I used my right palm to push against his chest hard sending him stumbling back a few steps. I moved my hands back behind my back and kept my face emotionless, but on the inside I couldn't help but smirk. He tried lunging at me but I side stepped it and turned in the process so I was still facing him. When he turned to face me again I went I got a punch in he hadn't expected along with a kick to his chest. What I hadn't anticipated was him grabbing my ankle as he took a couple steps back taking me with him. He threw my leg back and before I could regain balance he sent a punch to my side, and tried sending another to my face but I was able to duck, and kick his legs out from under him. When he was half way up he lunged at me knocking us both to the ground. He sent a few good jabs to my ribs before I was able to flip us over so I was on top. I punched him relentlessly not holding back as he tried to dodge my attacks. He wanted this fight Id give him a fight. I wasn't going to let him win without beating his ass first. I made sure to hit his face a couple times before focusing on his sides. I knew I had to at least crack a couple ribs. When I figured I did enough damage for the moment I quickly got off him. I moved a few feet away from him letting him have some space to get up. As he got up I noticed he moved quickly for someone who was injured, and I had busted his lip, probably broke his nose and there was a cut above his eyebrow. He took a few deep breathes before looking at me.

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