Chapter Eighteen

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     It took us just over two hours to make it to the first test. We all woke up at daybreak, packed up camp and started munching on this morning's rations as we walked. Eve spotted the shining metal post first. Before we walked up to it, we all stopped and took a moment to look at everyone's occupation utensil, I was the only one to find it yesterday.

"No. Way." I look over at Lincoln while tying my pointe shoes on. My hands hesitate while I look at his utensil.

"A holopad? But I didn't think they had gotten further than the prototype yet?" I look at August who looks as confused as I feel.

"My father only ever told me about the prototype, I thought they were still months away from a finished model..." August is holding a small black, shiny case, his dirt-covered hands surely leaving fingerprints.

"What did you get?" I continue tying my shoes on while speaking to August to pull his mind out of the fog.

"I uh..." He looks at the case and opens the lid, showing me what's inside. "I got a guitar pick. I'm not sure what I'll need it for." He shrugs then shuts the case, placing it in one of his many pockets. I roll my eyes and look down at my shoes, I can only imagine what I'll have to do with these out here in the Waste.

I finish tying my shoes and stand, pulling my backpack onto my shoulders. "Why did you put your shoes on? You don't know that you'll need them."

I look at Eve who holds a small metallic object and shrug. "I don't know that I won't need them either. What did you get?"

Eve nods, eyes glazing like she's in thought. "I guess that's a good point. Anyway, I got a Light-Pen, my parents bought me one like it a year or two ago." Lincoln, August and I stare at her, waiting for an explanation. "Right! So, this is like any other pen, but you can write on anything and it glows under black light which can be produced by the other end of the pen. There's actually two of them, so if we were ever to be split up, I think the idea is that we can leave directions for each other that competitors can't read."

Eve speaks so matter-of-factly, like it was just any other pen. As a twenty-second I could never dream of owning something like that, most seventeenths can't even afford it! I shake my head and we all put our utensils somewhere they can be easily reached, or in my case, worn.

A couple minutes of walking, and we find ourselves circled around the post like we were yesterday. This post is different, each ring is already glowing when we get there, slowly pulsating to grab our attention.

After a few short moments, a small screen is projected, Karyln's emblem centered in the projection. An uneasy tension builds in the air, pressing on my lungs. I reach into the side pocket on my bag and grab the bottle of medication. I contemplate taking one, I'll have to conserve them because I wasn't able to ask Dr. Turner for more before falling asleep from our drugged food. I shake my head slightly and pop a pill into my mouth, I'll have to save them for the days that I have tests and for the night before if I don't want to run out. I quickly slip the bottle back into its pocket, August giving me a knowing look and a small smile.

"Welcome to the first test of The Trial, this is the first of two team cooperative tests. You will be given a riddle to answer for this test." The voice that resonates from the post is the same cold, automated voice that would announce the start of curfew back in the sector. To think it's been three weeks since we heard that voice and saw our families.

"When your lock in your answer the lights will either turn red or green, depending on if the answer you gave was correct or not. Good luck and may you all succeed in your journey." My face twists in disapproval, the way it spoke was as if we were all going on a simple trip, doing whatever we wanted.

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