Chapter Thirteen

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Millie's thin arms tighten around me to the point of constricting my breathing, but I don't say anything. I tighten my grip on her as well and wish that I never had to let go. A hand rests itself on my shoulder and I pull away from Millie. It's time.

I turn and pull Father into a second tight hug before stepping back and taking August's hand. I look at the faces of my family and memorize everything possible, for this could be the last time I see them. I capture how Father adjusts his glasses on his face. I memorize how Mother's eyes sparkle with love as she wipes away tears. I hold close to my heart how Millie manages to smile and find light in every situation, even the bleak one we all find ourselves in now.

I spare a few glances at August's family, catching bits and pieces of the wonderful people I've come to know, Aidan is even considered part of the group as I think of them as family. Our two families have spent so much time together in the past three weeks leading up to August and I's departure. I learned that Mr. Wilson, Paul, was one of the lead technicians that created the prototype for the holopad, a cylindrical tube that projects a keypad and a screen like an old device called a laptop. Mrs. Wilson, Abigale, is a very talented singer that helped August with writing his first songs until he got the hang of it himself. Aidan has been working with Millie so she can help in the operating room. It turns out that he wanted to be a teacher while he was growing up and so mentoring Millie fills a secret wish he's always had. Lastly, Andrew, the sweetest boy anyone could meet. He as a twentieth, is gearing for a professional basketball spot as per his parents' wishes while he would much rather pursue golf, he says that it's like the purebred of sports.

I can feel tears burn in the back of my throat as the fact that we will leave and possibly never see them again sinks in. August's hand gives mine a squeeze and it gives me some of the strength I need to get through the day. I stand tall and lift my chin slightly, today will not break me, not when this is only the start of our journey. I take a few steadying breaths to slow my rapidly beating heart and I can now feel my own strength returning to my body.

"You make sure to help Mother when you're not at the hospital." I look Millie in the eye and she nods. The amount of work Mother has had since her recognition at The Choosing Ceremony has just about tripled. She was a workaholic back when Millie and I were little, she hardly leaves her workroom at the shop now.

I look at Aidan who I'm sure nobody would've guessed he would be the one to receive some of my final words. "Please make sure my sister stays out of trouble. I won't be around to keep her nose clean and I need someone to look out for her." Aidan's usually hard expression softens slightly and I can see understanding in his eyes just before he dips his head in a nod. I'm sure he said some of these things to other's when he was in my position.

I look at everybody in the eyes individually and call out as August and I start to walk away. "Goodbye, we'll be back before you can enjoy our absence too much!" I get a few chuckles out of everyone except Mother, she just sobs even harder than before. "I love you!" I yell to my family and turn away before Mother and Father's tears force mine out.

August and I walk to the large airship that is sitting waiting for us and the other competitors in the sector center. As we approach, I can see two officials standing before the hanger bay that is outfitted with eighty-six seats. They are both in full white, even their brand new, shiny shoes are white. Just above their hearts is our country's iconic emblem, the one tattooed on every child on their twelfth birthday. I hold back the urge to rub at my wrist and resort to fidgeting with my shirt. My nail catches on one of the black polka-dots that ring the bottom of my white shirt. Millie insisted on wearing almost the same outfit as I did at The Choosing Ceremony and had Mother make me a new shirt to go with the skirt. Thoughts of my sister stab at my heart and I can physically feel the separation between her and I, it's almost like a wall has been erected between me and another part of my soul. She is a part of me just as any organ in my body, without her, I'm not sure I'd live.

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