Chapter Twelve

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"Guess who." I wake up with hands over my eyes and I heave a breath.

"Really, Mil?" I push her hand away from my face. I stand up and stretch out my shoulders, my sleepless night bringing my body fatigue rather than energy. How I'm going to make it through today, I have no idea.

"Wow, you were right!" Millie's fake enthusiasm picks away my grogginess while she walks over to my dresser and begins rummaging through the drawers, throwing whatever she doesn't like behind her.

"There's nobody else it could've been. Mil, why are you picking my outfit for today?" I cross my arms over my chest and slack my hips to the side.

"Because today is important. You will be on camera in front of the whole sector and I'm sure soon the whole country once Link and Eve make their choice." The Choosing Ceremony, just what I've been dreading for the past couple of weeks, it's finally here.

Millie throws some clothes onto my bed in a pile then heads for the door. "Get dressed, I'll be outside the door. Tell me when you're ready for me to do your hair." The door shuts before I can protest, and I drop my head back with a groan.

Quickly sorting through the options Millie left me I decide on a high-waisted, pleated white skirt and a white crop top with two black roses embroidered at the bottom. The layout of the outfit was set to look like any other skirt and shirt, but if I raised my arms, skin would be shown.

"Come back in, Mil." I start to pull my hair from the loose pony it was in while I slept and take a seat in front of my vanity as Millie runs through the door.

As Millie fidgets with my hair I notice that the morning light that comes through my single window is different than usual. "Did you wake me earlier than usual?"

I see Millie roll her eyes in the reflection of the mirror. "Of course I did, I mean, it's not like this is one of the most important days in your entire life or anything." Her flat look makes me frown.

She pulls at my hair, willing it to do as she wants, and I fight back the urge to tell her to give up. I would much rather show up in my most comfortable outfit with my hair pulled back in a bun for I couldn't care less how the world sees me, especially since my name will be dragged through the mud by the end of the day. But then Mother and Millie would die of a heart attack from seeing me like that in front of people, so I can't do that.

I remain silent as she works, my mind keeping me occupied with thoughts of The Choosing Ceremony, how my fellow competitors will see the choice that Lincoln and Eve are making, and August.

August seems to have found a permanent spot in my mind since the day we first met in the sector center. Today will be the first day I will be able to trulyspeak to him since we kissed, never having a private moment to talk. Our parents had planned for the nine of us to meet up and head to the ceremony together. The happiness I feel whenever I think of him returns and I can't stop the smile that forms on my face.

"Thinking of August, again?" I sit up straight and meet Millie's eyes. "You were smiling like an idiot, it would be hard not to figure it out." She laughs, and I can feel my cheeks heat.

"Is it really that bad?" She laughs at my nerves and finishes tying off my hair and she hands me a small hand-held mirror so I can see the back of my head. Once the mirror is lined up I can see that Millie braided a coronet around my head. I smile up at her reflection and start to stand when she pushes me back into the seat.

"Bad, no. Obvious, yes. Now wait, I forgot something in my room." She dashes out of the room and leaves me to reflect on her answers. How I'm going to get through our entire ceremony without making a fool of myself, I have no idea. The only thing I know is that it's going to be really hard, especially after Lincoln and Eve announce their choice.

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