The End?

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Darkness everywhere.

I turned every direction, only to be met with more and more suffocating darkness and more confusion.

I needed Jaxon, needed to make sure he was okay and he'd not been harmed in any way my these people who really were a waste of space.

I suddenly felt like I was drowning, no matter how hard I tried to move or breathe I couldn't.

It felt like there was a rubber band around my throat and I swore I felt something holding my upper body down.

I kicked and kicked, my entire upper body was frozen.

That frozen feeling slowly made its way down, making my legs freeze up little by little.

Then I felt nothingness.

No pressure on any part of my body, no rubber band on my throat, no hands holding my arms down.

I still couldn't move, but it felt more like my mind wouldn't let me choose to move.

I tried to make any sound at all, nothing would come out of my mouth no matter how hard I tried.

Then, the darkness was gone, I was in a different place.

I was in an old wicker rocking chair, on a porch of a nice little cottage.

There were trees and flowers surrounding me, the horrible silence was replaced with the soothing sound of birds chirping and wind rustling the leaves of the old oak trees.

Jaxon came out of the house, much older looking, and sat in the chair next to me.

We sat and held hands, just staring at each other lovingly.

I saw his eyes go wide, and then his mouth opened slowly.

I didn't know what was wrong, and just stared at him confused.

Blood came out of his mouth, and it was then I noticed the ever expanding blob of blood forming on the front of his shirt.

I moved to scream as he fell forward onto the wood of the porch, again no sound.

I realized I was stuck to the chair as I tried to hold him.

Everything to to fire, then nothingness.

"Payton, Payton wake up." I heard a female voice say.

I recognized that voice, it sounded so familiar.

I felt a nudge, then a push.

I jolted awake and sat up in bed.


This is my room, at my house.

"You're going to be late for school if you don't get down here!" My mom shouted from downstairs.

It wasn't real.

Jaxon wasn't real, I wasn't abused for years.

I never shifted, my friends never abandoned me.

No, it felt so real.

Now I must be dreaming.

"Payton! This is the last time I will try and get you up! You have 15 minutes before I send your sister in."

It really wasn't real.



Ha! Twist! But seriously, that's it. It's done. I don't know about a sequel, that seemed to end it. But if a sequel is wanted then I'll come up with something using my magic brain. Thanks for the reads and votes! Read some of my poems on my other account called Masked Sadness and Alone?. I guess that's it, read my other stories on this account and have a nice day!

The Big bad alpha and the rogue (complete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora