|22| She's Gone

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She's Gone

Panting. Out of breath.

Sweat beaded Murphy's forehead as he willed his aching legs to carry him to the lab. His bones felt as they had of been beaten several time, resulting in the pains his muscles produced.
He could hear Echos panting behind him, and her pass slowing down. Instead of slowing down for the tired woman, he processed at his pace, slightly quickening it.

Emori was all he had and sometimes he wouldn't fully appreciate her. She was there for him when he had no one, when the people that were supposed to be his friends, to be on his team, abandoned him. Left him for dead. Then she came along. A strong brave angel that saved him from that, showed him that he wasn't alone.

And now shes hurt, maybe even died and that thought made his heart break further, into small pieces that wouldnt be recognisable as a heart anymore.

"Mu-" Echos voice sounded in his ear causing him to up out of his mind and those horrible thoughts, she sounded as if she was about ready to faint. "Murphy its- its just around this corner"

Being in space prevented them for doing a bunch of running. Staying in a few rooms most the time didn't require it. It was lonely up there, like how Murphy once felt after his father was floated. How Echo felt on earth. They all mopped around in the loses of all their friends and family that were no longer alive.

He quickened up his speed to the point he was screaming out in pain, tears streaming down his dirty cheeks. The lab came into view, it was the same as they left it. He raced into the lab slamming the metal door open, "RAVEN, MONTY". Voices traveled quickly in the lab and before he knew it Raven, Monty, Harper and little Madi were standing in front of him. They all wore worried and scared expressions.

"Murphy? whats wrong? Are you okay?" Raven always had a soft spot for him, some may say she had feelings, but even if that was true she would never admit it to anyone, nor herself.

Nothing. Murphy remained quiet, speechless.

In the silence they send of Echo running in shattered the quiet.

"Clarke went into the ship" this received a gasp for everyone.

"M-Madi, can you go wait in the other room" Harper asked with a kind sweet voice. The little girl, who was obviously scared that something bad has happened to her 'mum', hesitantly left the room.

"What do you mean Clarke went into the ship? Only an idiot would do that", Raven was beyond annoyed. Annoyed that Clarke was always putting herself in danger. Annoyed that she never thought about how losing her would affect anyone else and most of all annoyed she never asked for help.
Being Clarkes friend was never an easy job, and after over six years of think she was dead then finding that information false, meant that Raven didn't want to lose her. Raven couldnt lose her. Suddenly she bursted into tears. Shocking everyone.

As if it was a reflex, Murphy wrapped her in his arms. She buried her head into his chest, it smelt of sweat and earth, it smelt like Murphy. He rested his head on hers and waited out her sobs.

Murphy didnt know what came over him, obviously they have hugged before but the had grown apart in space, he was happy to know that they were okay now.

"Wh-what happened" she asked, after she had finished her crying and wiped her eyes of tears.

Murphy sighed, walking over to one of the worn out brown lounges and sat. Monty, Echo and Harper had already gathered around the chairs as well. Raven followed him, sitting next to him.

"Emori was shot" he said after a long while, still not processing that this was true, "i dont know if shes alive, but Clarke went after them"

"Bellamy" Monty stated

"Yeah, she said she had a plan, that she would be fine" Echo added clearly frustrated with Clarke and her reckless decisions.

They were quiet again, all lost in their own thoughts.

"Im sure she will be fine right?" Harper broke the silence.

"Shes strong, and shes smart. If Clarke was here she would tell us to wait a couple days, then if she doesnt come back then we go looking for her" Raven sternly said, knowing that they would all risk their lives for Clarke.


The voice was angry and it could be heard that the person that it belonged to had been crying.

"We are going to get her back" it was Madi. She stood in the door way, sword in hand and tears flowing down her face.

"Madi we-"

"She is the only person i have ever had" her little voice no longer seemed so little, she was scared and everyone could see that in her eyes.

"Oh Madi" Raven had gotten up and walked over to the girl, taking the sword from her had and placing it on the bench, "You know Clarke will always come back, she loves you"

Madi didnt say a thing, instead repeating Ravens actions and sobbing in her arms.

No one knew if the were actually ever going to see the others again. And that fact frightened them alot.

A/N - wow idk if this is the longest chapter i have written but its pretty long compared to my previous ones, just wanted to say thanksss for all the reads and votes.

Plus if you would like to you can follow me on my personal social medias
Instagram - EmmisonTisma
Snapchat - EmmisonRain
Twitter - EmmisonRain

Again thank you and bye :) xxx

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