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Clarke POV

It has been 775 days or 2 years and 45 days. Somehow I had managed to survive Praimfaya. I have no idea how but it must have something to do with my nightblood.

It has been hard, being alone. Away from the people I care about. I would never stop worrying about them, about my mum, Belllamy, Octavia, Raven and all the others. Over the short amount of time that I've known most of them, they have become my family. The people that I looked to for answers, the people I would do for, and nearly did.

Being alone on earth is one of the most challenging things I have done. Of cause the wars against mountain and the grounders were hard but it wasn't the same kind of hard as having to live over two years without human contact. I'm starting to lose my mind.

Most days I would sit in Beccas lab. There isn't much that I can do to occupy my time. The forests are still growing back and it makes me sad to see it the way it is, so I tend to keep away from it as much as I can besides when I have to go find food.

Most of the time to past time I draw. I draw all the things that I see, from as small as a leaf to things like the destroyed forest. But the things that I love drawing, well there not things, there people. The people I love, the people I lost and the people I miss.

I've drawn pictures of people that will forever be in my heart. People live Finn and Lexa. I've even drawn pictures of Maya, Jasper, Anya and Lincoln.

My mums pictures are one of the most I have drawn. I often imagine what she had been doing, how she's feeling and if she misses me.

But my most detailed, pictures were of the one person that has been there since day one on the ground. The one person that has helped me though my toughest of times and helped me battle my demons. The one person that has seen me at my lowest of lows.


If he knew about all these drawings he would think I'm crazing. I can just imagine what he would say.

"Clarke see something you like"

"You worry to much Clarke"



"Clarke?" I turn around to see a weak looking Bellamy, struggling to sit up on his spot on the couch.

"Hey hey stop stay still. I don't want you to hurt yourself" I say running over to lay him back down.

He rolls his eyes and looks at me before saying " you worry to much Clarke"

I let out a chuckle before bringing a chair to his side and sitting down. He never broke eye contact with me once. As I sat there for what seemed like forever but in reality was about a minute looking into each other's eyes.

He brought his hand up to my check and cupped it. I closed my eyes and leaned into his hand.

When I opened my eyes again there were a couple of tears that had managed to escape his eyes.

"Clarke I'm so sorry" he failing to speak steadily.

"Bellamy you don't have anything to be sorry for"

"I left you" was all he could manage to say, as at this point he was now sobbing. There were also tears in my eyes as I saw him so broken.

"Don't you dare. I told you to go. You would have wanted me to do the same for you, so don't you dare say that me being left on earth was your fault because it wasn't"

He nodded his head and looked away from my eyes for the first time since he woke up.

"I will let you rest" I say as I stand from my chair and head to the door.

"Clarke stay" I turn to see Bellamys mesmerising brown eyes pleading me to stay.

"You need to rest Bell"


"Uh okay yeah I will stay" I walk back over to the chair that I had been sitting in earlier.

"Lay with me" he demanded.

" Bell?"

"Please Clarke, I've missed you so much I just need you near me. I need to know that your safe. Please"

I look at my feet before laying on the couch beside him.

"Goodnight princess" he said as he buried his head in my hair.

"Good night bell" I say drifting off to sleep.

I love you.

A/N again sorry for the long wait. Comment what you think. It would be much appreciated. And thank you to all of you that vote it really makes my day. Also thanks for reading. Until we meet again xxx <3

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