Chapter Two

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Throwing the wallet to Max, who is just pulling himself up from the floor, I look down at the blonde stranger with curiosity, no rich snob ever breaks up a fight the way he did, so why did he? His piercing blue eyes looked at me with so much concern that it almost made my knees buckle. Watching him fight was awe inspiring, he moved with such grace and held himself with such composure that he must have been trained somehow or by someone.

"Alex Bultrov. 28. Strongholt Manor. Hey Levi imagine what sort of goodies he would have there. Damn. He's got a grand in his wallet alone. Mia, what about it? Should we hit it?" Max asks gleefully, Mia is what I've been known as for years on the street, there's nobody called Serena if someone comes a looking. I resist the urge to smack Max.

"Have you lost your mind? One, we never hit somewhere we haven't cased. Two, for what's his face ... Alec? ... To have that much money he will have security on his property. And three, give me back his wallet." I glare at the money greedy group of idiots infront of me. Grinning they all snatch most of the notes from the wallet before throwing it back to me.

"Catch you around Mia." Felix calls over his shoulder as they all scuffle away into the shadows of the night, running the notes through their fingers, going on about what they're going to buy first. Waiting until they are completely out of sight I crouch down next to Alex, tentatively brushing strands of hair from his face, studying his features carefully, his eyes although now shut I know are bluer than the clearest of oceans, deep pools that threaten to suck me in. Rolling him onto his back I tap his pockets before I encounter a phone in his jacket pocket, slipping it out I notice 20 missed calls and 15 unread messages. The phone vibrates suddenly and I almost drop it, a name flashes up on the screen, incoming call from Byron sighing I slip my finger across the screen, answering. Nerves causing my hands to shake slightly, that's never happened to me before.

"Alex! Where the fuck are you man? The hell do you think you're doing? Frankie called me and said that ..."

"Um hi. Alex can't speak to you at the moment." I interrupt Byron, a growl echoes down the phone and I frown, it sounded like an animal.

"Who the fuck are you?" The low menacing voice harshly whispers down the line causing the blood in my veins to freeze.

"None of your business. Just thought you should know that your dear Alex here got his ass beat and will need someone to come and pick him up."

"What the hell do you mean? Who are you and where the hell is my brother?"

"You brother is currently laying on the floor after being knocked out. I'm pretty sure a fancy phone like this has GPS in it. Track it. Toodles." I smirk as I hang up the phone, opening the wallet I pocket the remaining notes. My fingers brush against my lipstick and eyeliner and I grin widely at my new idea. Alex's phone starts buzzing in my hand again so I place it on the floor next to his hand as I slip his wallet back into his jacket, grabbing my eyeliner I quickly write on his forehead. Hope this makes you feel better. Then taking out my lipstick I smear it on my lips neatly before pressing a kiss next to the writing. Standing up I admire my handiwork, laughing I take off down the street, racing into a dark, musky alleyway where I quickly scale the dirty buildings fire escape, the metal cold and weathered against my palm. Scrambling onto the roof I race over to the edge, my feet crunching the small stones of the roof, crouching down so the wall hides me I peep through a gap, the 'attack' we acted out is in perfect view and my smile widens. Now it's the waiting game to see who comes to Alex's rescue. The cold nights air bites at my skin, my fingers and toes slowly turning to ice, a prickling pain that helps me to focus on the scene I made. All too soon the roaring of a motorbike approaches, pulling my hood tighter over my head I watch curiously to see who this Byron character is. As the bike roars to a stop next to Alex the rider kicks his leg over, dismounting the beast of a bike, my eyes widen at the man's size, as he removes his helmet I see his dark hair and angry expression just as Alex stirs on the ground. Straining my ears to try to hear them with no avail, cursing softly I try to shimmy a bit closer to the gap, my boots scuff on the small stones until every inch of me freezes as my gaze is captured by unnatural purple iris's of the rider, his expression of murderous rage chills me more than the cold wet air biting at my clothes. The logical part of my brain realises that this hit may have taken things a bit far with someone I really don't want to mess with, at all. Shit.

The purple gaze leaves mine as Alex shakily stands, one large palm holding the back of his head as he grimaces, taking my chance now my body is back in my control I race across the roof, leaping over the edge, landing and rolling onto the neighbouring roof, something I have done quite a few times. Not caring about any noise I quickly race away from the Alex and the rider, adrenaline giving me a boost as I run quicker than I thought I could. Sooner than should be possible I reach the block of flats I slip inside the unlocked doors I head down the corridor to my apartment, pushing the door open I enter my home.
"Hey Shea." I greet the blonde girl lounging on my couch, watching my flickering crackly television.

"How many times do I have to tell you to lock your door?"

"How many times have you lost your keys? Besides there is nothing in here worth stealing so why bother locking the door."

"Did you have fun tonight?"

"I got what I went out for if that's what you are hinting at. But I've got work in like 7 hours so I need some sleep."

"Okay chicka. I'm just watching this then I'll bounce."

"We both know you will fall asleep right there until the morning." Reaching into my bedroom I grab one of my many blankets before throwing it at Shea's face.

"Ouch!" She complains.

"You big wuss. Nighty night."

"Night Hun, hope work goes well tomorrow if I don't see you before or during." Nodding at her I head into my room, kicking off my shoes and collapsing onto my squeaky king sized bed I glance around the sparse room and count my lucky stars at being able to bag this place and managing to get a job, it's only a waitress at a diner with additional bar tending some evenings but the pay is decent enough. Staring at the off cream coloured walls my mind wanders back to this evening's events and I can't help but wonder what the hell have I got myself in to, as I have a sneaky suspicion that I'm going to end up seeing Alex again. That thought fills me with fear and anticipation. What the heck is wrong with me?

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