Chapter Twenty

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Jolting awake i am disorientated by the room im in, the cool body laying next to me makes me smile as i gently smooth the blonde locks, his baby blue eyes hidden behind his closed eyelids, the suns light is waning but its still early evening, slipping out of the bed i head to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and using the facilities i step back into the bedroom, wrapped tightly in a towel i open the wardrobe, slipping on a basic underwear set, pulling out a large grey top and a pair of black leggings, that are slightly too big but i make them fit, tying my hair into a knot above my head i startle slightly when arms wrap around my waist from behind, soft lips press against the sensitive skin of my neck.

"You smell good." Alex whispers against my skin, i giggle like a school girl which causes me to blush.

"We've got work to do Alex." I spin in his arms, pressing my lips softly to his, feeling a little worried about the plan but also i havent been more sure about anything else. If it saves humanity and saves Alex and his family then i would do anything and everything to make that happen, even if it means losing myself or even my death, as long as i make a difference then thats all that i ask. Alex's soft lips press against mine again, worry swirls in the depths of his azure gaze, my admiration for him grows when he does not try to stop me from what i need to do.

"Be careful." He whispers, leaning his forehead against mine.

"I promise." i whisper back, im almost certain my father wont harm me, but ive been wrong about things before now, lets hope im not wrong this time. Theres so much i need to learn from my father so it would be a great shame if he had to be destroyed to protect him from himself, becoming a monster that everyone fears. Hugging Alex tightly i give him one more kiss before i push him away gently, making my way though the maze of corridors until i find the entrance of the stone room, Dylan stands guard where the door once resided.

"Mia." He greets, i automatically nod, unsure as to weather i should tell him my real name yet, i have no idea what Alex has said to them.

"I need to see him."

"Are you sure, hes very close to becoming feral, Alex would have my head if anything happened to you."

"I'm sure Dylan, trust me. Go and get some rest, Alex will be joining me soon." He nods gruffly, rolling his shoulders as he walks past me, i feel the tension drain from my body when he leaves, i dont think he realises just how intimidating he is. Stepping into the damp room i hear scuffling and growling, standing in the circle of light my father launches towards me, blood red eyes full of hatred, the chain pulls him to a sudden stop, growling even more he tries to tear the chain off, leaving deep grooves in his neck, blood splattering. For once i am afraid of this creature infront of me, gone is the man i was getting to know, here is the beast that i hope i can control.

"Blood!" He howls, sounding more like a wounded animal than a man. Steeling my courage i raise my chin, trying to look more confident than i feel, but my racing heart betrays me, i know that the beast can hear it.

"I will give you blood but if you ever want more you will not kill me." The beast growls, slicing his claws towards me, i jolt back just in time but i still feel the whisper of air against my skin as his hands soar past.


"Listen! i can get you out of here, but i need to be alive for that." The beast stills, chest heaving, teeth bared, but i feel myself calm slightly, at least he does still listen to me, to what extent i dont know. Stepping forward i hold my wrist out, he grabs it eagerly, sinking his teeth into the delicate skin, flinching i try not to cry out as he greedily sucks, i feel the surge of power under my skin, a soft glow illuminates the tip of my fingers, when i feel my knees getting weaker i try to yank my arm away from my father but his grip tightens, growling. Feeling the power running down my veins, i concentrate hard, yanking my father back using the chain, before i freeze the time, the chain freezes in the air, my fathers angry expression at the loss of his food, pointing my hand towards the chains anchor i walk to it, feeling the glow jump through the air and surround the chain, the metal bends and warps as the glow brightens, the metal turns white, grabbing the chain i yank hard and the metal loop snaps in half. Carefully wrapping the chain around my fathers immobilized form i pull it tight, sending the golden wave onto the chain i manage to melt it together, the pain in my head increases until i fall to my knees, the band of energy slams back into me as the world unfreezes, my father falls to the floor, captured by the chains, anger draws over his face, his fangs sinking into his blood stained lips.

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