Chapter Four

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Yawning i awaken, stretching on the awful and uncomfortable squeaky bed, the cotton sheets rubbing on my skin before i throw back the covers, blinking awake properly i almost scream as my eyes land on a hooded figure standing at the side of my bed, watching me with unblinking brown eyes. 

"Damn it Gracie! What have you done to yourself now?" I half yell before pulling her hood down, her once golden hair lays limp around her face, her skin pulled taut on her bones, her brown eyes still slightly glazed, lips cracked and an assortment of coloured bruises mar her once porcelain skin.

"He said they loved me." Gracie's weak voice replies, her eyes dropping to the floor, teeth gnawing on her lips, hands shaking.

"For the gods sake Gracie, we have been through this so many times. You have a pretty face and people will always take advantage of that honey. Come on, lets get you cleaned up and I'll give Rose a call okay? I want you to see her, properly talk to her, trust her." Slipping out of bed, the hard wood floor cold under the soles of my feet i gently guide Gracie towards my on-suite bathroom, snagging the razor and scissors from the room i nudge her towards the shower.

"Yes, a shower would be nice ..." Gracie replies, her voice still slurred slightly, no doubt affected by whatever drug she has been consuming in the weeks she has been missing from the community. People think that only the ugly and unwanted people end up on the street but sometimes even the ones who could have everything still end up here as well, this life isnt for everyone and most have no choice, some do choose this life, dont get me wrong, some of them are as nice as pie while the others you want to stay at least 10 metres away from at all times, otherwise they will be sticking needles into your skin at every turn, doing everything possible to make something for themselves, whether it be money or just for fun. You quickly learn to survive in this world or you perish quickly, i hope that i can help as many people as i can turn their lives around, just like i am trying to do. Glancing at my old alarm clocks, the red lights glowing brightly, 9am, crap. Ive got work in less than an hour. Quickly rummaging through my drawers i grab a top and a pair of jeans that should fit Gracie, along with some clean underwear. Depositing the clothes in the steam filled bathroom on the sink i quickly hurry to get dressed into my work uniform. Hopping into the living room while trying to put on my shoes at the same time, i notice Shea sound asleep on the sofa, grabbing a book from the sideboard i launch it at her, jolting her awake.

"Hey! What the hell?"

"Where's my phone woman. Also some guard dog you are. Gracie almost scared me to death."

"Sorry babe, you know i sleep like the dead. Think i saw your phone in the kitchen. Gracie's back is she?" Rolling my eyes at her as she sleepily reaches for the remote for the tv as i head into the kitchen, tugging at my shirts collar as it gets trapped in the works gillet. Scouring the kitchen i dont see my phone, clenching my fists i take a few deep breaths.

"Where in the kitchen dumbass?"

"The fridge ..."

"What the hell is it ... you know what ... never mind ... idiot." i mutter under my breath as i open the fridge, grabbing my phone from the vegetable drawer. Shaking my head i quickly load Rose's contact up, the line rings as i grab a bottle of apple juice, double checking the lid is still sealed, made that mistake once, wont make it again.

"Hello, Dr Monroe speaking how may i help you?"

"Do you really have to answer the phone like that to me Rose?"

"Oh gosh, autopilot, sorry. What can i help you with Mia?" In the background i hear the shuffling of papers and tapping of keys on her keyboard.

"Gracie is back. Shes not too bad but obviously she needs help. I know she blew you off last time but is there any way that you can see her again. She found me this time so i think that she may actually be ready to accept some help, or at least im praying that she is."

"Of course Mia, you're in credit anyway with your account so i'll deduct it off of there for you. I really hope she is ready to change Mia, she is such a sweet girl and has so much potential. We will have to work together though, make sure shes got somewhere safe to go to so she doesnt feel the need to keep wandering off with the wrong sort."

"Yeah i know. she knows my door is always open for her. Hopefully it will be enough this time. Anyway i've got to rush off, running late this morning and you know how much i need this job. When will you be able to see her?"

"I can be at yours in an hour sweetie. Have a great day at work."

"You are a super star. Thank you so much. Have you met my boss? No such thing as a great day at work." Laughing she hangs up the phone. Quickly plugging my phone on to charge i race into the livingroom, Shea watching Game of Thrones on the tv as Gracie walks out from the bedroom.

"I need some ..." Gracie speaks quietly, her hair dripping wet still. Crossing the room i lead her to the sofa next to Shea.

"Rose is coming over in an hour, do you think you can keep her here until then at least?"

"Yeah sure. I'll tackle her if she tries to leave."

"Okay, bye guys. Stay safe. I'll bring food back with me later." Without a backwards glance i race out the door, praying that i wont be late to work. My feet smack on the pavement as i race towards the diner i work at. Pushing through the doors breathing heavily i quickly straighten my uniform and smooth my hair as best as i can before i head towards the kitchen. Before i reach the double doors to the kitchen i hear Pat the boss shouting, cringing inwardly, part of me wants to runs straight back out the door and go home, but then i remember all the people that are relying on me now. straightening my shoulders i raise my chin and head into the kitchen with an air of confidence that i am seriously not feeling.

"Oh look at what the cat dragged in." Pat's fat, red, blotchy face presses inches close to mine, his breath stinking like trash.

"Morning boss. Just going to grab my pad and apron." I reply, forcing a smile on my face.

"Well at least you showed up for work ... you're on your own this shift. better get used to it too. looks like the others arent coming back and i am in no mood to be employing anyone else. You'll be doing a double shift today too. dont expect a break if its busy ... What are you standing there for? Get to work." His voice booms at me, spittle splattering my face, but i force myself to remain still, i need the money, i dont have to like the job or the person i work for, i just need the money. Grabbing my pad i tie my apron on, plastering on a smile before i waltz into the diner. The cheap, tacky, linoleum causes my worn shoes to squeak annoyingly. This stupid diner looks like it hasnt changed since it was built back in the 50's. I suppose it is intending to look retro but it really just looks tacky and in poor taste. Clicking the pen i head to the bar where a couple of men are sat, smiling widely.

"Good morning fellas, what can i get you?" 

A Vampires Quest (COMPLETE) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora