Chapter Twenty Three

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A couple of days have passed since i somehow managed to fix the once destroyed palace, I woke up this morning, finally feeling some energy back into my body, gently slipping from Alex's sleeping arms i slide off the bed and head out the bedroom door, after using the bathroom i roam the corridors, as i run my fingers along the jewel adorned walls i still cant comprehend that i was the one who brought all this back from literal rubble. Alex has been busy getting every rule and vampire back in order, the council members have seemed to have vanished off the face of the earth which i am eternally grateful for. My limbs still feel weak from having used so much power when i have no training of how, a few hours after i had resurrected the palace Alex's family arrived and i still dont feel fully comfortable around them. Lara stayed behind with Yasmin and Max and im kind of missing her, Violet is here but shes busy sorting all the things the men seem to overlook, she would be a great ruler. I amble without thinking into the gardens, the warm air warms my skin, i didnt realise how cold i had got, the sweet bird songs make me smile a little, the pads of my fingers run over the soft petals of a gorgeous rose bush, i can almost feel the earths power pulsing through the deep red blooms.

your time is coming Serena. soon you will come to us.

The voices whisper through my mind causing me to freeze, glancing around the gardens trying to find the culprit but i am completely alone, I look up at the Palace and see Alex's office light is on so I can surely assume Alex is sorting out documents, he hasnt taken my blood for a couple of days so he cant come into the sun. the gardens are still, a soft wind blows through the air, ruffling my hair gently. But the energy thrumming through my veins gives me worry, it feels as though its warning me about something and i think the mysterious voices have something to do with it. Breathing in deeply one last time i head back inside, wanting to see Alex, unsure i should tell him about the voices or keep it quiet until i know more about them. I dont feel any malicious intent from the voices. I have no idea how much time passrd since I went into the gardens but as I walk through the ornate corridors, admiring the artwork and artefacts that line the walls, i find Alex in his study, behind a massive desk, softly tapping on the door i enter.

"Serena?" Alex's soft voice speaks wearily as he glances up from the mountain of paperwork on his desk, his face tired. Smiling warmly i head to him, stacking some files ontop of each other so i can perch on the desk.

"You need to get some rest, to feed." I coax softly, pulling him to me so my body cradles his even as he is sat, his cool arms wrap around my waist as his head rests on my chest, stroking his hair softly i feel the calm wash over me. Being near him helps to centre me.

"Come, lets head to our room." He whispers softly just before his lips press against mine in a gentle caress, with our hands entwined we walk the long corridors before ascending the spiral staircase to our rooms, the intricacy of them still takes my breath away. Heading to the bathroom i go through the usual human routine, slipping into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, tying my hair into a ponytail as i walk back into the bedroom, Alex is sat on the edge of the bed, shirtless, his head cradled in his hands. Heading straight to him he pulls me into the cradle of his legs, resting his head on my chest, breathing in my scent, my hands gently massage his tense shoulders, my powers sending a warm caress through his muscles, helping them to relax. After a few moments Alex pulls his head back, looking up at me with adoration in his eyes, leaning down i press a soft kiss on his lips before letting him slip into bed before i follow him, cuddling close to him, his skin warmer than usual thanks to my powers. His lips feather kisses across my neck, tilting my head i tangle my hands in his hair.

"Take what you need Alex." I whisper, breathless as his fangs scrape on my sensitive skin, his arms tighten around me a  moment before his fangs sink deep into my skin, fire bursts through my veins, making all my limbs feel heavy, heat blooms in my core as his strong suckles pull my blood into his body, replenishing him more than anyone else ever could. All too soon he releases me, laying back, curling me into his side.

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