Chapter Twenty Four

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2 weeks later.

Its been 2 weeks since Serena vanished, 2 weeks since her powers consumed her, 2 weeks I have not been able to find her. 2 weeks of anguish.

"where did she go!?" I yell again, slamming my fists onto the ornate desk, uncaring of the wood cracking but feeling a little guilty as Lara jumps back, eyeing me cautiously while Byron stands staring at me as if I was a child having a tantrum.

"if we knew Alex, we would tell you." Byron replies calmly to my outburst before pulling Lara under his arm, she cuddles close to him and the sight angers me more than it should, I should be doing that with Serena right now but instead she is missing and nobody has any clue where she went. The velvet box is burning a hole in my pocket but I darent put it anywhere else.

"have the library's been any help?" violet asks, looking at the large stack of books in front of me, I shake my head, dropping into my seat, my head cradled in my palms. I hate feeling so useless. Dylan's large hand falls on my shoulder, squeezing slightly.

"We will find her Alex." His low timbre holds more hope than i hold. Pushing roughly away from the table i storm from my office, heading towards the bedroom Serena and i shared for the brief time she was here, her soft scent has nearly vanished completely and i hate it, it feels almost final, like when her scent is gone it means shes gone forever. Slamming the door shut i collapse into the armchair by the fireplace, the fire has long burned out, but the cold doesnt bother me so i havent lit it again. Closing my eyes i imagine Serenas face, her emerald eyes that hold more knowledge and past than their physical age, dark curls framing her face, her soft full lips and contagious smile that always lights up my world.


My eyes fly open, head whipping around as Serena's call lingers in the air, the hairs on my arms prickle, standing abruptly i scan the room, every speck of dust seems to have frozen in the air, glittering in the lamps light like tiny specks of glitter.

"Serena?" I call out, feeling a little foolish to be talking to an empty room, spinning slowly i wait, my heart in my throat, praying that it wasnt my imagination that conjured up her voice.

Alex? Where are you?

"I'm still at the palace, you disappeared."

My ancestors took me. i dont know where i am. i dont know how to get back to you. 

"Try and use your powers Serena." For a moment there is silence and then the glittery specks of dust start spinning, moving by themselves, swirling together until the transluscent form of Serena stands before me, looking down at her speckled hands before her eyes collide with mine, the colour of her eyes is muted but the familiarity of them takes my breath away. Without thinking i cross to her, attempting to pull her into my arms, only to fall straight through her, her frame insubstantial.

Alex? I cant come back fully. i dont know how. theyre trying to pull me back to them.

Her voice holds panic that kills me to hear, the books on my shelves start dancing as i feel her emotions starting to control her, standing close to her i look her in the eyes, itching to touch her but unable to as she is nothing more than a ghost right now.

"We will find a way to bring you back, i promise. I feared you had died Serena, but if you are truly alive then nothing in hell or heaven will stop me from finding you and bringing you back to me. Are you on Earth still?"

I dont think so. The others call it Magi Insula. This place is strange, nothing makes sense here. im scared Alex.

"I will find a way to save you Serena. Do you trust me?"

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