Chapter Twenty One

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My gaze continually glances towards Serena, nestled against the door, her tiny frame curled up on the seat, my heart swells, her face is peaceful as she sleeps, i'm still amazed at how much power she already harnesses but i'm also worried about how much power shes going to have to contend with when her 20th birthday arrives. I desperately need to speak to Byron but i know he is going to be angry with me for leaving without explaining the plan, i just pray that we reach the palace and gain control of the council before all hell breaks loose, literally. The sunlight warms my arm and my head still cant comprehend how i am able to accomplish something that no other vampire has been able to do, all thanks to the blood of Serena. More questions swirl in my head, is it just her blood or the blood of all mages? Hopefully we can speak to her father when he is more under control, the things we could both learn could change our lives as we know it, the roads get busier in the daylight hours, for the first time in my life i experience the road rage ive heard humans getting, the amount of idiots on the road is astounding, their lack of care for their own lives or the lives of others angers me, my fingers grip the steering wheel tightly, the material protesting the building pressure. A large pickup suddenly veers infront of me, causing me to break suddenly, the music from the truck making me angrier, without thinking rationally my hand is on the handle, the door half open before small hands grip my other arm, forcing me to stay in the van. Turning my head abruptly my gaze collides with the emerald eyes i love, immediately my anger dissapates, the rage that was coursing through my veins seeps away.

"It's okay Alex, let me drive." Serena's soft voice soothes me further, part of me protests giving her control but i realise that it will be safer for us all if she drives as shes used to this sort of idiotic behaviour. Quickly moving the van to the side of the road i slip out, Serena reaches me near the front of the van, pulling her against me i kiss her sweetly, her body instantly responds to my touch, her arms wrap around my neck as she deepens the kiss, then all to soon she slinks out of my arms, clambering into the drivers side. Sitting next to her as she pulls back into traffic i study her as she easily moves through the queues, her fingers gently tap on the wheel as we wait, she hums to herself, a small smile on her face, calmness smooths out the worry lines on her face. 

"How are you so calm?" I ask, genuinely curious, it almost feels like bees moving under my skin, watching the traffic, the noises and the people is more than i can bear.

"Crowds make me calm, easy to hide, in a sea of faces your own face just becomes a blur. Are you okay?" She asks, glancing to me, the road and back again.

"I dont know, something doesnt feel right." She watches me studying my hands, almost invisible i see the thin smoke starting to rise from my skin, the bees under my skin start to sting, without another word Serena pulls off the main roads, weaving down the smaller streets until she comes to a long driveway, pulling onto the gravel road, the shade of a large oak tree shields the van, my eyes watering in the now blinding sunlight.

"You need more of my blood." Serena cuts the engine, in a swift move she clambers over, swinging her legs either side of mine, i moan at the bold manouver and my hands automatically grip her hips bruisingly, her emerald eyes hold mine captive, her lips press tightly against mine, the soft warmth of her body is addicting. she gently guides my lips to her throat, the exact spot her pulse beats strongest. My fangs descend, pressing against her soft skin, they slip through her flesh like a hot knife through butter, her blood, her taste, her very essence explodes through my mouth and throat, addicting like a drug, as sweet as ambrosia, my hands hold her tightly against me, her soft quick breaths are music to my ears. All too soon i reluctantly close the bite, i feather kisses across her collarbone, before leaning back and looking deep into her eyes, her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are bright. Kissing me softly she slips back into the drivers seat, starting the van and pulling away, heading back towards the main road.

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