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I was really having a writer's block the last few weeks, so I concentrated on drawing only. Doing something different and not spend my time feeling guilty about not uploading really helps me through any kind of art block. I hope you're not mad at me for taking this break ;; I'm sorry, but I'll also take back that "upload every day" promise because that's just not gonna work out, but I'll definitely concentrate more on writing from now on! <3 
There's music included in this chapter! So whenever there's an asterisk (*), at the bottom of the chapter there's going to be a link you can click to listen to the song~ 
I hope that's not too bothersome, I thought that would be a fun idea~
If you don't like the music, you can listen to whatever, but this is the kind of music I imagine playing in these scenes~  


The kids groan in disgust as you and David present the vinyls. "Oh come on, it's not like we've got anything better to do" you sigh at them and Max crosses his arms. "Literally anything is better than fucking dance camp." You roll your eyes and cross your arms, too. "Well, sucks that we are the only counselors here. Dance or don't, I don't care. Just don't ruin this for others."
"Okay, let's begin!" David states enthusiastically and puts one of the vinyls into the gramophone. As a really old song plays, you scan the kids for their individual reactions. Preston is into it, as you thought. To your surprise, a few of them don't mind the music. Max is the only one who's really against it. The kids seem to agree that this is better than just sitting around doing nothing. You can't help yourself and grin a little. This is going way better than expected. Looking behind you, you see in David's eyes that he feels the same way. He looks very excited. The song keeps on playing and Preston and Nikki actually start dancing. In Nikki's case not really accordingly to the music, but they seem to have fun! You walk up to David. "This is going well!" you grin and he nods happily. "That was such a good idea, (Y/N)!" Again he flashes you this wide, sweet smile. He reaches one hand out to you. "Wanna dance?" Your face goes as red as a tomato once again. "W-with you?" You squeak and again, he nods, blushing as well. Nervously you take his hand. "I'm warning you, I really can not dance" you explain and he chuckles. "Me neither, let's help each other out." The next song on the vinyl plays (*) and you begin to dance. Against all expectations dancing's easier than you thought. David's really enjoying himself, grinning at you all the time. You're not sure if your heart is pounding this fast because of the physical activity or because of his smile. While dancing happily, you can't help but be amazed by how cute David is. Looking around, more campers are now enjoying dance camp and even get captivated by the beat. You grin and happiness fills your heart. You wish this moment would never end. Right when you think that, the next song plays. Your heart stops for a brief moment as you realize there's a slow love song playing now. (**) Slowly you feel yourself getting nauseous from the blood always rushing to your head whenever you find yourself being bashful. "I should go prepare drinks for the kids" you attest and want to go towards the kitchen. To your surprised, you are hindered by David's hand grabbing yours. Without a word, he just pulls you close to him. You can see in his face that even he's startled by that sudden action. "Stay" he whispers and you feel your stomach filling with butterflies again. Instinctively you put your free hand on his shoulder as he puts his on your waist. Slowly you start swaying from side to side, too close for any space between your torsos. From behind you you hear the campers squeaking. Nerris and Nikki are the loudest. Apparently all of them could sense the tension in the room. You don't dare to look David in the eyes and it seems it's the same way for  him, too. Still, you can't control your heartbeat, which makes your chest visibly twitch. Since you know the song and don't want this terrible silence to last any longer, you quietly hum along, which causes David to finally glance at you. Your eyes meet and you can almost feel the tension drop and a spark fly between you. You almost can't hear Max making fake throw-up sounds and Preston nearly dying from anticipation. Nikki screams "Kiss already!" through the hall and snaps you out of your trance. Immediately you push David away from yourself, instantly regretting it. You already miss his warmth. "Uh-" you stutter and the song conveniently switches. "I- I really gotta prepare stuff for the campers now" you excuse yourself and almost sprint towards the kitchen. 

In there you take a deep breath and cover your face, expecting it to cool down. The realisation that you really almost kissed David creeps into your conciousness and you slap yourself on the forehead. You can't do that! It's the second day of knowing him. You can't do that yet. Opening the fridge with the countless bottles of juice and water you resist the urge to just stick your face in there to let it cool  off. Before preparing to carry them into the mess hall, you assemble some plastic cups on a tray and fill some with juice and others with water beforehand. You take the tray, just to immediately lay it down on the counter again. How are you going to go out there again? David must be furious with you for just running away like that. Almost sobbing, you rest your elbows on the counter and hold your face. What are you going to do now? Pondering, you almost don't notice the kitchen door opening. You jolt up and see David next to you. "(Y/N)", he begins talking and now a real sob excapes your throat. He's not smiling. He looks so disappointed, averting his eyes from you. "I'm sorry, David", you apologize, interrupting him, "I keep being really embarrassing around you, it's just- I-" The next thing you feel is his lips on yours. Your heart as well as your breath feels like it stopped completely. It takes a few seconds until you realize what is happening. Shortly before you can kiss him back, his lips stop touching yours and he looks you in the eyes. You try to say something, but you struggle even catching your breath again. The two of you stand there for what feels like an eternity before David sighs. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just-" Oh no, he thinks you didn't want that. Hectically you shake your head and gather all your courage to cup his face in your hands and give him another kiss. This time, both of you give yourself over to that overwhelming feeling. Your heart regains it's consciousness and pounds as fast as it can without overworking itself. For a while you just stand there, kissing and hugging tightly. Once again, you wish for this moment to never end


I hope you liked it! 
Here's the links to the two songs! 


also i made a little sketch with a really generic girl so you can kinda identify maybe lol idk 

also i made a little sketch with a really generic girl so you can kinda identify maybe lol idk 

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