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You stare out the window as the bus shakes a little from driving over the rough paths throughout the woods. It's been 45 minutes since you've last seen any trace of civilization. A weak sigh escapes your lungs. 
Camp counsellor, huh? Never in your lifetime had you thought you'd take on a summer job at a camp. You have always despised sleeping outside. Hiking is fine, you do love nature, but when it comes to sleeping on the cold, hard ground - surrounded by bugs, which you are terribly afraid of - you'd rather not. Once again you sigh, which makes the bus driver push his cap up a bit and look your way. It is just now that you notice he is missing one of his hands, which is replaced by a hook. How cliché. You just nod in the driver's direction to signal you are okay. He lets out a short "Mm" and turns his head back to the rocky path. 
You lean your face into the palm of your hand, your elbow rested onto the little space between your seat and the window. For many jobs have you applied? Fifteen? Twenty? Only one place was willing to let you try out and join, which is Camp Campbell. Frustrated, you roll your eyes at the memories of all the other interviews. You are too nervous. You are always too nervous. Here you'd think you'd get used to interviews and not trip and fall or stutter every single darn time, but no. The only people who did not mind were the camp people. Why did you even apply for the camp anyway? You try to remember and - one last time - sigh. It was because you're good with kids, wasn't it? But is it going to be worth all the trouble? 

You're startled a little by the bus coming to a sudden stop. For one second you think you heard a high pitched scream, as if a girl was in pain. Unimpressed, you shrug and stand up to take your bags. This must be Camp Campbell. You walk out the vehicle and breathe in for a second, eyes closed. Admittedly, the scent of pine trees and the near lake is heavenly. Just for this brief moment you think this could be a lot less bad than you might expect. 

Only a few seconds later, you're put out of your daydream by a male voice next to you. A man with red-brown-ish hair, ocean green eyes and a yellow scarf tied around his neck beams at you. "Woah" you almost shriek out of surprise. You haven't even noticed someone standing beside you. "Hi, are you one of the counsellors?" The man nods excitedly and almost slams his fists into his hips. You can tell he's quite the lively guy. "My name's David, and you must be (Y/N)!" he introduces himself and you just nod in return. "It's so nice to meet you! We're so happy to have you here at Camp Campbell!" He takes your hand between both of his and shakes it rapidly. Kind of startled by his undoubtedly sincere friendliness you stutter a little. "U-uh, you too" you just mumble and immediately regret it. You don't want him to see you're not that keen on this job, especially after seeing him being so overly happy and excited. That would be incredibly mean and invalidating his passion. 
"So, you should come with me!" he beams and takes the heavier one of your bags. What a gentleman you think to yourself. "What made you take this job? You must have had a lot of people accept you, Mr. Campbell said you did really well on your interview!" he asks and you raise one eyebrow. "He did?" You laugh in disbelief, being more anxious than sincere. David smiles at you and nods his head once again. "Yes! He also said something about us needing all the help we can get because our campers are little shi-" He pauses a little and covers his mouth. "A little special." 
That explains a lot.

As you and David arrive at the 'Mess Hall', as they call it, he holds the door open for you. "After you!" he insists and you take your first step towards the campers, all of which turn around to stare at you. "Hiya" you greet them and wave a little before you notice that that is a little weird and immediately lower your hand. A little girl with green hair waves back and greets you the same way. Next to her you can see a little boy, about ten years old, his hands buried into the pockets of his blue hoodie. "Who the fuck is that?" he groans and looks you straight into the eyes, which startles you. "Why so hostile?" you question and cross your arms. You know rude kids, you have a little brother about his age. "I'm the new counsellor." Right after you finish saying that, you hear an exhausted "Thank fuck" from a room next to the kitchen. A tan girl with the same uniform as you enters the hall and ignores every kid that wants to interact with her. She walks to you and lays one hand on your shoulder. "I can't do this anymore, (Y/N). Good luck with these little shits, I'll leave them to you and David." Clearly confused you turn around as the girl walks past you. "Gwen, language." David starts scolding her, but still looking nice and sincere. "Are you sure you don't want to stay, we might have a lot of fun!" 
"Nah, man, I'm out, I've got some vacation days to spend."

So you guess that just makes two of you. The kids start to assemble at the tables in the hall as dinner is prepared. While they are distracted with eating you walk towards David. "Don't you want to eat, too?" you ask and he smiles and shakes his head. "We will have dinner in our cabins, so we can now watch after the kids." You understand and nod. After leaning on the wall next to him you inspect him a little closer. He is handsome. Really handsome, completely your type. Maybe those few months will not even be that bad.



I hope you like the first chapter! I know I'm not that good, but I still really want to tell this story, aa >o< 
I would love it if you could leave a comment!

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