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You open your eyes and blink against the sun shining through the window. Sleepily you begin to rub them and stretch a little. You notice David is not lying next to you anymore. Did all that even happen in the first place? Maybe you just had a weird dream of the both of you cuddling. Looking around the room, he's nowhere to be seen. Still tired, you stand up and begin to change into your counsellor uniform. Halfway through, you notice the door to the cabin opening. You panic. You're not wearing a shirt. Still halfly frozen in shock, you just grab the nearest piece of fabric to cover your chest up with. 
"Gooooooooood morning, co-counsellor!" David shouts enthusiastically, followed by a confused look as he sees you're not lying on his bed anymore. He's carrying a tray with some toast and two glasses of orange juice on it. Perplexed he looks around the room and gasps when he sees you half naked just standing there, blushing uncontrollably.
"Oh, golly!" He squeals and turns around abruptly to put down the tray on a table. "I'm so sorry, I - oh wowie, um-" he stutters and covers his eyes with his hands. "I- thought you were still asleep and wanted to- um"
You giggle a little and finally finish changing. Walking up to him you can't help but start to laugh. "It's okay" you say as you gently grab his wrists to take his hands off his face. David's face is nearly the same color as his hair, which also brings a little heat to yours. "Is that breakfast for us?" you ask, though that's the most logical thing. David seems to have calmed down now. "Yes! I thought maybe we could eat together before we wake up the campers!" he suggests and a big grin forms on your lips. "Sure!" you agree and put your hands on your hips just like he always does. 

After having eaten you and David have already woken up the campers, each one grumpier than the other. You stand in the Mess Hall, looking after the campers, as you notice the bully, Nurf, laughing as he hits Nerris. "Hey!" you yell and stomp towards the two campers. You pick up Nerris and carry her to the other side of the room to get her out of Nurf's reach. Angrily walking back to the bully you already begin to scold him. "What the fuck, Nurf?!" you yell and he flinches a little. For a short moment you're happy David isn't near, so he can't complain about your language. "Do you have any idea what you're doing here?" you cross your arms and look at the kid. He does the same and mumbles. "The nerd had it coming." he just tries to explain and looks away, clearly annoyed. You take a step back and motion him to come outside with you. "We're gonna have a little talk now." you state and at first he refuses to move. "I swear to fucking god, Nerf, you're gonna scrub the toilets for two weeks straight if you don't listen to me." Silence fills the room. All the campers stare at you. Suddenly, most of them break out into laughter. Apart from Nerris and Preston, who you've already noticed are the ones Nurf bullies the most. The kids continue laughing. "You're a fucking idiot, (Y/N)" Max wheezes and holds his belly laughing. "You really think you could change anything about these fuckers?" You dig your fingernails into your palms. Why aren't they listening? Aren't you good with kids normally? What are you doing wrong? "You disrespectful little shits" you hiss. You look over to Nerris, who looks at you with a sad expression. As the laughter gets louder and more painful to bear, you turn around and shoot for the door. But you're blocked by David, who's suddenly standing in the entrance. You bump into and look up to him. You can see in his face he's worried, but you panic too much to say anything. Quietly, you sob and storm out of the hall. 

You've found some solitary on a bench a little more out into the forest. David must have heard everything. How you've made a fool of yourself and how mean you were. All you wanted to do was help Nerris. For a few minutes you remember your own childhood. The bullying. The teasing. The beating. Several teardrops form in your eyes as you lean your head onto your knees. On your second day you've already proven yourself unqualified to be a camp counsellor. A heavy sigh leaves your lungs. You feel like you're an embarrassment, especially towards David. 

A long time passes before, in between your sobs, you hear a voice with a lisp. "Oh I know, I'll just roll for perception!" It's Nerris. Along with her voice you hear a worried noise that must be David's. "It's a 20! There she is! (Y/N)!" As you hear footsteps running in your direction, you wipe the tears from your face and turn away, again blushing heavily. "(Y/N)!" David hurries towards you and kneels down before you. "What's wrong? Can I help you? Did something happen?" He seems so worried. Silently you shake your head. There you go. You've officially made a mildly inconvenient situation into something much bigger. "No, it's just-" you begin, trying not to cry. You do not want to be such a burden to David or any of the campers. "I'm sorry, that was really dumb of me." You prepare for all the scolding you think you deserve, but instead David just tilts his head. "(Y/N)..." he smiles ever so sweetly and rests both of his hands on your shoulders. Your stomach feels like it's about to explode with butterflies. "(Y/N), you did great!" 
"I did what?"
Nerris tugs on your sleeve. "Yeah! This was super cool, no one really stood up to someone for me like that!" she lisps. "Yeah, but I'm making too much of a big deal out of this, and I yelled at a kid." you sigh, but David still gives you this sweet smile. "It's all right, (Y/N), you're doing a great job." With that, he reaches for your hand and helps you stand up. Feeling a lot better, you walk back to the camp, your hand still intertwinded with David's



This chapter is a mess, I'm sorry. 
I'm kind of already having some writer's block, so I just wrote... something?
Idk, I just wrote something I personally would find cute and romantic, so meh
Next chapters are gonna be better, I promise!

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