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It is already nighttime as you, David and the campers are gathered around the campfire. Max, the grumpy kid, has his arms crossed and rolls his eyes every now and then. He doesn't seem to like it at all. For some reason, you feel bad for him. You sense there's something more to his situation than just being a ten year old asshole. With a light tuck on your sleeve Nikki makes herself noticed. With a smile you lean down to her so you can understand her better, since the fire's crackling noises tend to be louder than a kid's normal talking voice. To your surprise, Nikki is a very loud kid, so she just kinda screams directly into your ear. "You had dinner with David, are you dating?" she screams. Baffled, your eyes widen. You look at David, who for some reason doesn't even seem to have noticed that question. Again, you turn around to Nikki and smile sweetly. "Just because you talk to someone, that does not mean you're dating at all!" You laugh a little at the absurdity of her question, though your guts start to feel a little funny. Ignoring this, you continue. "Or are you dating Neil?" you smirk and she acts like she is about to puke. Defeated, she fake falls onto the floor. You can't help but giggle again. 

"Campers!" David shouts next to you and turns your way. "I think to welcome (Y/N) properly, we should all show her our camp song!" You raise one eyebrow as David magically brings out a guitar. All the campers groan out of annoyance, with the exception of a passionate "Yesss" from Preston. Preston is one of the campers that have really grown to you in this short time. You see a lot of yourself in him. Just like him, you are passionate about theater and musicals. Also you tend to sometimes be just as overly dramatic as him. You grin at the camper and then look up to your co-counsellor. "Take it away, Davey" you wink, but then immediately turn away. How do you always flirt unintentionally? The next thing you hear is him playing the first chord. "OOOOOOOOOOH" he begins and starts hammering the strings.
"There's a place I know, that's tucked away,
a place where you can I stay,
where we can go to laugh and play
and have adventures everyday,
I know it sounds hard to belive,
but, guys and gals, it's true!
Camp Campbell is the place for me and you!"
You start to beam with joy. David has such a good voice! Also the song is super catchy. For some reason you can not understand how the other campers could not want to be hearing this everyday. He finishes the song and you are the only one along with Preston to applaud. David grins at even the little recognition he gets and looks at you, you can see how happy he is about you clapping. 

It is finally bedtime for the campers. Your feet hurt like they have never before. Once you're finished putting all of the kids to bed you make your way towards the cabins. This is the first time you're going to see the room you'll be sleeping in for the next three months. David accompanies you to the door and smiles softly. It is dark, but for some reason you feel like you can see David's cheeks get a little darker. "So, how did you like today, (Y/N)?" he asks carefully as you can see in his eyes how much he hopes you'd respond positively. Immediately you nod. "I loved it!" you respond and his eyes lighten up even more. He must really love this camp if he is that happy about other people liking it. "You see, I was really never much of a camper" you continue and his expression gets more worried. He is such an expressive guy, you can read his face like it's an open book. "But I really like the kids, I'm sure even Max is a good child."
"He is" David reassures you and smiles softly at you, like he always does. Once again you try to ignore the warm, fuzzy feeling that is spreading in your stomach. You know this feeling, you know it too well. You are the kind of person who develops crushes on everyone you just meet who's even mildly attractive, so you just shrug it off, it's not special anymore. Anyone you crush on rejects you anyway.

You must have thought about this for quite a while, since David looks a little uncomfortable. He scratches the back of his head. "So, good night, I guess?" he grins with his eyes closed. Gosh, he's really cute. "Yeah, good night", you smile and reach for the doorknob and turn it. As you try to go into your cabin, you bump into the door. It won't open. "Uh?" Confused, you try again and again, beginning to blush a little because you can not manage to open a fucking door. "Is it... locked?" You ask, clearly embarrassed. David raises an eyebrow and gently grabs your hand to move it away from the knob, so he can try himself. Nothing. "Gwen must have locked the door and forgotten to give you the key" he states and looks at you worriedly. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N)" You shake your head. "It's okay, I've got a tent" you explain, although you really don't want to sleep in there. "No, no, no" David says and waves his hands. "You can sleep in my cabin for now!" 
Your heart skips a beat. "But-" you start but he shakes his head. "My cabin has a sofa, I can sleep on that!" 
"Wha- no, I'll sleep there, it's no big deal!" You assure him as you blush more than before. 
After a long back and forth of offering to sleep on the sofa, you finally make your way to David's cabin.


Hey guys! I know, I'm still very bad with pacing, one day is going to be four chapters, ugh. I'll get better at that!
I hope you still like, feel free to give me suggestions!

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