- Thirty: Escapees -

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- Thirty: Escapees -


"We're gonna die down here." David said for the tenth time.

I had gotten up and begun pacing over an hour ago according to the tiny clock that sat at the far side of our cell. David and I shared a cell but were chained to either side of it. A tiny cot was set up on the other side of the room, which was made completely of metal, but the wires that held us in place were a mere yard long.

"Quit saying that!" I spat.

"Well it's true!" David hissed back, "I mean, how are we supposed to get out of this hell if we can't even use our powers? Or shift for that matter."

"Humans escape from prison all the time. How is this different?" I asked.

"We're a mile below the surface of the earth and our prison gaurds are half cat and have powers." David, pulling on his ankle and being shocked. The wires that acted as shackles were sensitive to touch and if you pulled on them you were greeted by an electical shock.

"Stop pulling! You're gonna get fried if you keep that up." I said.

"Watch." David said. He pulled his wires again and was shocked even harder. He flinched but didn't seem to mind otherwise. With one more jerk he had pulled the wire from the wall.

"You did it!" I said. David slank over to where I sat and ripped my wire as well, "Thanks."

"No problem. Now sit back down and pretend you're still attached. I have a plan." he said.

I did as I was told and David yelled, "Hey, bitches! Yeah, I'm talking to you bitch guards!"

With his words two gaurds appeared at our cell door, looking through the small window.

David continued, looking at the gaurds this time, "I think I'll make you two my pretty little girlfriends. You'll have to shower for weeks but you'll never get the smell off of you."

I faught back laughter which resulted with tears.

The guards came in and one kicked David in the stomach. The air flew from his lungs but he spat, "Thank you, sir. May I have another?" And he was kicked by the other guard in the face.

The guards stalked out of the room and while the door was shutting, David leaned over and caught the wire between the door and it's opening.

David, his nose bleeding from the kick, slid across the floor and opened the door slightly with his hand.

"Come on." He said.

"David, that was brilliant." I said.

He nodded and we were out in the hallway.

"Where are the guards now?" I asked, looking down each end of the long hallway lined with cells.

David shrugged his shoulders and we were racing down the hall towards the stairs we had been taken down just the day before. We passed a brake room and I froze.

"What is it?" David asked.

I hid my laughter again as we both peered into the small, dimmly lit break room.

The two guards we had just seen, along with at least six more and at least three female Werecats were huddled around a table in the middle of a heated game of strip poker.

"Well it's a distraction." I muttered.

David shook his head and dragged me away from the door.

We found the stairs a few feet down and ran up. The halls were familiar now and we raced past the cafeteria. Suddenly, David and I slammed into another group of people and a fight began.

The Werecats: Creatures of the Night (Book One) (Revised)Where stories live. Discover now