"Relax Nikki. I am pretty sure it was beautiful."

"It was. I never thought it would feel this way. I mean I came I swear at least 10 times since yesterday." I squirmed in my seat just thinking about how good he felt inside me.

"Well at least one of us got lucky. Bryan still won't even try to get second base." Tracy signed.

"It will happen, Tracy. Just be patient"

"I know. By the way, Mike called you while you were getting your brains screwed out," she said biting into an apple. My heart suddenly dropped.

"What did you tell him?" I asked afraid of her answer.

"I told him you were busy. But he said that you were probably with Dean. He sounded so down. Just like, he did yesterday. What is going on with you two?

"I wish I knew. I am going to call him." I pulled out my cell phone and dialed his number. It rang twice and then went straight to voicemail.

"I know he didn't just send me to voicemail." I blurted out. I called again. I was again sent to voicemail.

I looked at Tracy. Her eyes were fixed on me. I was furious. Why was he acting like this? He was being a complete ass. Well, fuck that. I grabbed my keys and walked out of the door.

"Nikki where are you going," Tracy yelled from inside the house.

"To see Mike," I said stalking down the driveway.

"Wait I am coming with you." she ran out of the door and hopped into my car.

"What is going on Nicole?"

"I don't know Tracy. But I am going to find out."

We drove in silence until we arrived at Mike's dorm. I got out of the car and stormed up to the dorm. I ran up the stairs and down the hall. I was furious as I got out of the car. But the closer I got to his room, the more nervous I felt. Why was he being so weird? And sending me to voicemail? He has never done that. Even when we argue, we still speak to each other. I suddenly became sad.

I reached the door of his room. I stood there gazing at it. What would he say?

"Sheesh, Nikki. Didn't you hear me calling your name?" Tracy said completely out of breath. "I was trying to catch up with you."

"I'm sorry." was all I could say. I turned back to the door. Took a deep breath and knocked on it.

"Who is it?" I heard Mike say

"It's me and Tracy," I said back. My stomach is full of butterflies.

"Just a minute," he said. I heard voices coming from the room. Was that a woman's voice? Who was in there? Mike opened the door, but only just a little. He was standing there naked from the waist up. Omg, his body was amazing.

"What are you guys doing here?" he asked a little confused to see us.

"What do you mean what are we doing here. We came to see you." I barked at him

"Well I busy," he said his eyes full of anger. What was he so angry about?

"Well, I don't care. We need to talk!!"

"You can't just come up here and think I am supposed to drop my plans for you, Nicole."

I was so mad. My breathing was jagged. My fist clenched tightly at my side. How dare he act this way towards me? We just stood there staring at each other.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" Tracy yelled at us. We said nothing. We just stood there staring each other down.

"Mike what are you doing?" a woman's voice said softly.

"I will be right there," he replied. He stepped outside in the hallway to talk to us.

"Oh, so we can't come in because you have some bitch in there?" I said coldly.

"Watch your mouth, Nicole."

"Fuck that. I am not watching shit. What is your problem? You have been acting really crazy these past few days. You fucking sent me to voicemail, and now you won't let us in? You better start talking!!"

"First off, I don't have to do shit. Second, I was busy fucking. That's why I sent you to voicemail!" he screamed in my face

"So who is this bitch you are fucking? Is she more important than me? You're so-called best friend?"

"It's none of your fucking busy who I fuck because it's not you. And why do you care? Why don't you go fuck that white boy of yours? That's who you want anyway." his voice full of malice.

My heart dropped. My eyes filled with tears. I looked into his eyes. He looked so hurt.

"So that's what this is about? Me dating Dean?" I whispered. I looked down at my feet. He sighed and stepped closer to me. He lifted my chin so that I was staring directly into his eyes.

"I have been here all this time, waiting for you, and you never noticed me. I have wanted you ever since the first day I met you. But you never chose me."

"Mike I never knew. Why didn't you tell me." tears were running down my face.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to tell you. I want to be with you." he said wiping the tears from my eyes.

"You could have told me." Thinking about all the missed opportunities he could have taken. There was a time, maybe when I would have considered. But he never said anything. I was so comfortable with our friendship to even notice his interest in me. But what if he is interested because someone wanted me?

"You say you want to be with me, but you are here fucking someone else! How dare you say that you want to be with me? You didn't want me until someone else wanted me. And I am happy with my "white boy. So you can kiss my ass, Mike." I stormed off.

"Tracy let's go!" I yelled at her.

"Don't go yelling at me!" she yelled back. I just looked at her and rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"Nicole wait!" Mike called after me. "I'm sorry." he ran up to me and grabbed me by the arm. He tried to hug me, but I refused.

"Fuck you, Mike." I pushed him against the wall and walked out of the building.

"Mike I am so sorry." I heard Tracy tell him.

We got in my car and sped off. I can't believe Mike has feelings for me and didn't tell me. Why didn't he say anything? Has he been faking at being my friend just to get with me? Dean was right. He did want to be more than friends. And then to find that he had slept with someone else hurts. How could he do this to me? To our friendship. I began to cry. The tears blinding my vision to the point where I couldn't see the road.

"Pull over Nikki. I will drive." Tracy placed her hand on mine. I pulled over. She got in the driver's seat. I climbed into the passenger side.

"It will be ok Nikki," Tracy said softly.

I just sat in my seat crying. My friendship with Mike has always been important. My head was so confused. How did I not notice his interest in me? He never pushed any further than being my best friend. I am so clueless. With tears in my eyes, I called Dean.

"Hey, baby." Dean's voice came through my cell phone.

"I need to see you," I said through sobs.

"Baby what is wrong." his voice full of concern

"Can you come by later?"

"Anything baby. I will be there in about an hour. I just have to drop these papers off at work."

"Ok," I said and hung up the phone.

How could my day have gone so wrong? I woke up making love to my beautiful man, and now I have possibly lost the only man other than my father that I loved and trusted.

This hurts way too much.

Ivory MistDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora