In My Free Time, I Like Putting Myself in Dangerous Situations

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On a Wednesday night, I got an itch.

An itch FOR ADVENTURE. Plus, it had been about a month since I had taught Ocelot to drive stick and went to the old church with him.

I thought it might be a mistake to ask him to do something crazy again. I thought he might reject me because I truly, honestly thought that I was annoying him.

I did it anyway. I messaged "OCELOT." before running and hopping in the shower. When I got back I had a message from him, "lol what?".

I replied with this whiny, needy message about craving adventure and asked if he wanted to do something.

He actually said sure. #shooketh

I suggested Thursday, the next day, since I had my internship and I was willing to make up an excuse not to go. He agreed, #shookethtothemax, because he didn't have work and didn't mind skipping Capstone again. Though, we didn't create a definite plan of what to do.

We went about the next day as usual. When it came time to leave, I had Toucan and Nilgai sign me out. Ocelot and I walked to the car while we waited for Nilgai because I needed to give her a ride to her internship that day.

She got in the car and chose music to play from my phone. Guess what embarrassing crap she decided to play? A V-pop song. A good one, but nonetheless embarrassing. (Sorry, Nilgai, but it's true <3)

We dropped her off and Ocelot and I tried to figure out what to do. I suggested just driving around and finding something, but he actually had an idea. There was this weird tower thing in an old part of town (I still don't know the purpose of it. I tried Googling but nothing came up about it.) that I had always wanted to get close to but took the opportunity to. So, when he suggested that I was all for it.

We drove there and parked about a five minute walk away. I mentioned to him that I had brought my spray paint, so we got that out of the trunk. I also grabbed an extra old, white dress shirt of my dad's that I usually wear over my clothes when I do farm work, just in case we did use the spray paint. I didn't want it to get on my clothes.

He carried my drawstring bag with the paints and I carried the shirt.

We walked on a paved path that led behind some buildings, a warehouse, and a preserved train car on some tracks. Behind all that opened up to a little field that people could walk around in. I think there may have been a few benches and a picnic table. The paved trail ended, and we had to walk on the road that curved around half of the field before starting on a trail that went into the woods. Well, they weren't really thick woods. It was lot of tall grass with a good bit of trees around.

In the distance, the tower was slowly getting larger. It looked even more intriguing. Older than I had thought. Looking up at the top of it, we could see a crow perched on the edge.

As we got closer, we were able to see a bunch of broken concrete and brick around the base of the tower on one side. It was as if there had been another building beside it, but somehow it decayed faster. There was also an enclosed metal, rectangular walkway jutting out from about 10-15 feet up. It looked like we could possibly get inside if we found a way up to it.

We strayed from the path and climbed over some little hills (really just mounds of dirt grown over with grass, I guess) and rubble to get to the tower. There were some short walls that Ocelot hopped up on. He gave me his hand and helped lift me up on them, too.

There was some graffiti on the walls. Nothing particularly interesting, just some tagging. But, all together is was really cool. The bricks were weathered with moss was growing on some of them. Small plants were growing up on the top of the walls.

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